NEW YORK, NY - The following collaborated list includes all "public" domain names which have sold over the last 5 years which contain the words, "auto", "cars" and "automotive" (public sales according to NameBio). The list was built during my research for Cars Digital Inc. and added here for your enjoyment and learning … [Read more...]
New gTLD Domain Sales from Major Marketplaces; What’s Developed?
NEW YORK, NY – Another list is being published today; this one is for new gTLD domain names which have been recorded at NameBio. All off these transactions have taken place over the last five years and this list ONLY contains the sales which are listed at NameBio - there are many hand registered and private or unrecorded domain sales which will not be here. Note: I only examined 100 domains max from each extension, highest dollar amounts first. Here is what I looked … [Read more...]
A Look at the Top Performing “Alternative” Top Level Domain; What’s Up with .XYZ?
NEW YORK, NY - It’s now been near two years from when Google’s new parent company Alphabet Inc. decided to launch their new corporate website on the .xyz domain, naming it It’s also been near two years from when .xyz founder Daniel Negari forecasted that Google’s surprising move would effectively end .Com dominance worldwide. Not much has happened. Aside from the 5.2 million .xyz domain names registered, according to NameStat, it has done nothing but decline since … [Read more...]
List of Newer “Keyword Rich” gTLD Domains Changing Hands So Far This Year (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY - This is not going to be an all inclusive list as some domain sales go unreported and some I've heard of which are not listed, such as "Homes.Forsale" and "Houses.Forsale", but this will give you a good idea of the types of names changing hands and the types of dots which are building momentum. The following list of gTLDs were listed at NameBio as closing sometime during this year (2017). They are listed in alphabetical order by TLD. The list does not include … [Read more...]