REDMOND, WA - Cybersecurity experts have noted a large increase in the number of phishing attacks recently as hackers have been altering their attack avenues in order to work their way around increasingly complex email security systems designed to circumvent their efforts. Both the volume and complexity of malicious emails have been on the rise and are proving to be increasingly able to bypass Secure Email Gateways (SEGs) such as Microsoft and Proofpoint, according … [Read more...]
Thousands of “Sitting Duck” Domain Names Highjacked by Russian Cybercriminals
PALM BEACH, FL - A critical vulnerability within the Domain Name System (DNS) has been unearthed and exploited by dozens of cybercriminals and hackers originating from Russia to take over thousands of domain names, according to cybersecurity researchers from Infoblox and Eclypsium. An estimated 30,000 legitimate domains have been hijacked by the digital thieves since 2019, experts say, utilizing a technique known as “Sitting Ducks” that exploits weak DNS services. The … [Read more...]
Twitter Verification Requests Get Processed by High Tech Associates in Philippines
NEW YORK, NY – Recently I submitted a request to verify my Twitter account through the online form Twitter makes available for those who want to request verification. Verification isn’t available to all users but those who are either public figures, journalists, celebrities and some media outlets will often be the types of accounts Twitter will verify, depending on the circumstances. Verified users have that cool little blue badge next to their names so Twitter users … [Read more...]