REDMOND, WA - Cybersecurity experts have noted a large increase in the number of phishing attacks recently as hackers have been altering their attack avenues in order to work their way around increasingly complex email security systems designed to circumvent their efforts. Both the volume and complexity of malicious emails have been on the rise and are proving to be increasingly able to bypass Secure Email Gateways (SEGs) such as Microsoft and Proofpoint, according … [Read more...]
Domain Days Dubai Set To Take Place At Marriott Resort Palm Jumeirah, Nov 5-6
WEST ASIA - Domain Days Dubai 2024 is set to take place at the Marriott Resort Palm Jumeirah on November 5-6, 2024. This will be the second edition of the event, aimed at professionals in the domain, hosting, and digital asset sectors across the Middle East and Africa. The conference will feature 40 speakers, attracting around 200 attendees from over 100 companies. Key topics will include domain name management, auctions, and monetization strategies, with a special focus on … [Read more...]
Domain Names as Digital Real Estate: The Parallels of Scarcity and Value
PALM BEACH, FL - In the modern business landscape, owning a premium domain name can be as valuable as holding a prime piece of physical real estate. Just as with prime properties in desirable locations, premium domain names—short, memorable, and industry-specific web addresses—are in limited supply, which drives up their value over time. These digital assets, much like their physical counterparts, are scarce commodities, and their importance has only increased in an era where … [Read more...]
Google’s John Mueller on Why Hyphens Aren’t Used in Domain Names Anymore
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA - In a recent Reddit Q&A, John Mueller, the Senior Webmaster Trends Analyst and Search Relations team lead at Google, fielded a query on why hyphens are no typically longer utilized in domain names, and if their fall from grace was something to be concerned about. Mueller noted that hyphens in domain names were a trend from a bygone era of the internet, and their curtailed use in modern times has occurred for a number of reasons, ranging from the way … [Read more...]
New 2024 Global Domain Report Notes “Game Changing” Industry Insights for “.AI”
CAMBRIDGE, MA - InterNetX and Sedo Have released their 2024 Global Domain Report, which breaks down the domain industry and examines trends and shifts that are expected in the upcoming year, with the main emphasis being placed upon tech developments and the evolution of AI and its growing influence upon the internet. The free-to-download 80-page report – of which this article will provide a brief summary – noted that 359.8 million new domains were registered in 2023, … [Read more...]
The Bing Advertising Network: A Strategic Companion to Google Ads for Businesses
FLORIDA - In digital advertising, diversification is key to maximizing reach, engaging diverse audiences, and driving conversions. While Google Ads reigns as a dominant force in online advertising, businesses stand to benefit from complementing their marketing efforts with alternative platforms such as the Bing Advertising Network. In this article, we delve into the fundamentals of the Bing Advertising Network and explore how businesses can harness its unique features to … [Read more...]
VeriSign Says “.COM” Registrations Up, “NGTLDS” Up, Legacy “.NET” Down
RESTON, VA - VeriSign Inc., a global provider of domain name registry services and internet infrastructure, announced that their total number of Top-Level Domain (TLD) registrations worldwide have reached 356.6 million as of the end of the second quarter of 2023, as per the company’s latest quarterly Domain Name Industry Brief (DNIB). Verisign, based out of Reston, Virginia, operates a diverse array of network infrastructure, including two of the Internet's thirteen … [Read more...]
Google Trends: Past Five Years in Review
NEW YORK, NY - Google Trends is a tool provided by Google which allows you to review what words, phrases and terms are trending and measure their popularity based on what people are searching for on Users can sort and review search history based on region, dates and time periods as well as view top lists within certain categories of content types. Below is a list of what keyword and keyword phrases were trending for the past five years from 2017 to 2013. These … [Read more...]
UDRP Reform Can’t Come Soon Enough…
NEW YORK, NY – There is a new trend out there and you won’t notice it by searching Google Trends. No, it’s a quietly growing trend that is not something most people know about. It’s also not something most people will fight for, but the ICA is working on a resolution, and it looks like that resolution can’t come fast enough. Because it is being used by corporate greed mongers who hadn’t thought fast enough; they would like to grow their brands and businesses by stealing what … [Read more...]
Yellow Pages Goes Green ® Makes 2018 Business Directory List at Search Engine Bay
NEW YORK, NY – A project I have put considerable work and time into over the years has made yet another top list thanks to Search Engine Bay is a blog for Digital Marketers and Entrepreneurs which covers advanced topics related to Digital Marketing such as SEO, SEM, Website Monetization and Blogging. The listing includes Yellow Pages Goes Green ® under “50 Online Local Business Directories” and is online here with its reference pasted below. 50 … [Read more...]
Yellow Pages Goes Green ® Makes Top Yellow Pages List at Small Biz Trends
NEW YORK, NY – A project I have put considerable work and time into over the years has made yet another top list thanks to Small Business Trends offers small business news, tips and advice exploring trends driving small business. The listing includes Yellow Pages Goes Green ® under "Yellow Pages Type Directories" and is online here with its reference pasted below. The article is titled "The Hidden Mystery Behind Business Guides: A Comprehensive … [Read more...]
Verisign Releases 2017 Second Quarter Industry Brief on Domain Name Market
NEW YORK, NY – In an endless sea of opinions (I admit, including my own) it is great to look at meaningful data when it comes to where our industry is going as far as growth, innovation and trends. If you would like to read-over the Verisign’s 2017 Second Quarter Industry report, it is online here (PDF). Some key takeaways: .com registrations are up to 129.2 million. .net and .org are still major players, but in number of registrations, far behind ccTLDs such as … [Read more...]
Name Summit Digital Branding Conference; Entrepreneurs, Experts, Domain Enthusiasts
NEW YORK, NY – “NameSummit – The Digital Branding Conference” is just one week away. There will be over 40 speakers, including entrepreneurs, experts and digital branding superstars ready to engage with attendees. Expert panels will discuss leading trends in branding, influence marketing, social media and showcase the continuing evolution of domain names as an important part of powerful branding and advertising campaigns. Below is the updated line-up of experts; an … [Read more...]
Name Summit Conference in New York City Shaping Up to Be “Very Big Event”
Agenda includes long list of Industry Veterans; Live Domain Auction for; Event Ending with Undisclosed "Presentation for Exclusive Asset Sale" yet to be revealed!! NEW YORK, NY – A few days ago I spoke via telephone (yes, that clunky old device still in use) with some of the people at NameSummit to discuss interesting developments for the upcoming event in New York City which is just weeks away. If you have not yet booked your tickets and stay to New York … [Read more...]
Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Domain Name Events in the United States
LONG ISLAND, NY - The following domain name events are coming up within the next few months and will all be held in the United States (Las Vegas Nevada, NYC New York and Orlando Florida - All fantastic destinations for just about anything you can think of). Whether you are looking to meet new business prospects to grow your revenue, get to meet (in-person) people you ordinarily deal with only online, or you're just looking to get away, domain name events are great places … [Read more...]