WEST PALM BEACH - If you ever wanted to get yourself a nice flashy city, state or regional exact match GEO domain, right now seems like a good time to take notice of your surroundings. GEO, or geographic domain names are web addresses which are exact match spellings of specific places. "Premium" GEO domains would be considered either entire countries, states or major cities (ending in a .com), and there are a growing number of premium geographic domain names which are … [Read more...]
In Wake of France Domain Theft, Geo .COM Name Space Owners Question Future?
NEW YORK - If you had not yet heard, the mega GEO domain “France.com” was recently ‘acquired’ by the European Country of France. Acquired can be a tricky word as the domain asset was, in this case, acquired through what I call an ‘unprecedented theft’ while readers commented that this event is likely the ‘biggest story in domaining during the last 20 years’, and I tend to agree; surprising there isn’t more Internet chatter on the subject. Coincidently, I’ve also noticed some … [Read more...]