WEST PALM BEACH, FL – Have you recently noticed your lead forms being filled out with fake information, phone numbers that don't work and/or email addresses that bounce back? Google's Display Network (GDN) and Microsoft's Audience Network (MSAN) both serve ads across a vast number of websites, apps, and video content. While both companies have robust fraud detection systems in place, bot traffic and fraudulent interactions can occur within these networks. Here’s … [Read more...]
Growing Scarcity of Geographic Domain Names: A Look at U.S. State Domains
PALM BEACH, FL - The internet landscape has undergone rapid transformation since the early days of the web (1990s), and one of the most valuable assets to emerge during this time is domain names. As businesses, organizations, and individuals rushed to stake their claims online, certain categories of domain names have become increasingly scarce, with geographic domains—particularly those tied to U.S. cities and states—standing out as prime real estate. Owning a domain like … [Read more...]
Large-Scale Fraud Campaign Utilizes Over 700 Domains to Sell Fraudulent Tickets
CHANDLER, AR - Authorities have discovered that a group behind a widespread internet scam – dubbed “Ticket Heist” – has been utilizing over 700 domain names, registered over the course of over two years, in order to sell fraudulent tickets and hotel accommodations to the Summer Olympic Games in Paris. The operation, which researchers at threat intelligence company QuoIntelligence say seems to primarily target Russian-speaking individuals, has not only offered … [Read more...]
How Google’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Sees Keywords In Your Photos and Videos
PALM BEACH, FL - Imagine if your images could speak to Google, revealing their hidden keywords and boosting your search engine rankings. Well, it's not just a fantasy anymore. Google's advanced artificial intelligence (AI) has the ability to see and interpret the content of your images, opening up new SEO opportunities. While it's common knowledge that having keywords in the text sections of your website is important, many overlook the power of incorporating relevant … [Read more...]
Popular Question: “If I Build My Website on Shopify Who Owns My Website?”
FLORIDA: I get this question quite often and it's pretty important to know the difference. I've discussed a bunch of similar issues with domain and site ownership in my book Mastering Your Website. If I build my website on Shopify who owns my website? Technically, you will own the website you build on Shopify, even though Shopify provides the platform and tools to create and run it. The keyword here is platform. Here's a breakdown: It's important to distinguish … [Read more...]
What Is Geofencing And How Does It Work?
FLORIDA - Geofencing is a location-based technology that creates virtual boundaries around a specific geographic area. These boundaries are defined by GPS, RFID, Wi-Fi, or cellular data. When a device, typically a smartphone or GPS-enabled device, enters or exits the predefined geographic area, it triggers a response or action. Here's how geofencing typically works: Imagine a virtual fence you can draw around any area, like your competitor's dealership or even … [Read more...]
Are You Losing Backlink Credit or Traffic from Your Forwarded Domain Names?
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – There are many reasons why you might want to forward a domain name; you might have moved your website, you own multiple domain names, or you purchase domain names which have existing traffic or backlinks. If you do not forward your domain name correctly, you could be losing backlink credit and/or traffic. Here are some scenarios to forward your domain name properly. The Simple Easy Way (Free and Doesn't Require Hosting) If you have your domains … [Read more...]
Redirecting Domains with Backlinks Helps SEO; Google Doesn’t Want You to Know
NEW YORK – Morgan Linton’s blog caught my eye this morning as it discusses the redirecting of domain names for SEO, an often hotly debated topic. I find this topic especially interesting as it appears to me that Google often dances around the truth with explanations of what works and what doesn’t. Google’s new webmaster PR guy is John Mueller who basically replaced Matt Cutts in a publication relations capacity with webmasters around 2015 when Cutts was on leave. I’ve always … [Read more...]
Google’s Got Something Facebook Doesn’t; Weather-based Campaign Management
NEW YORK, NY – The war is on as Google and Facebook aggressively fight for businesses ad dollars, yet for the first time in a while, Google’s got something Facebook probably has not even thought about (yet) and that’s Weather-based Campaign Management. Facebook likely has better targeting with people’s true interests due to the ridiculous of amount of data people share with Facebook, but this weather based targeting sounds pretty interesting. Now you can increase or … [Read more...]