OTTAWA, CA - Shopify Inc., Canada's leading technology company, has acquired the domain names and from Toronto-based EMERGE Commerce Ltd. for approximately $500,000. These domains now redirect to Shopify's Shop App website, a marketplace designed as a "digital shopping assistant" that allows users to search for products and brands, make purchases, and track shipments. The original launched in 2011, positioning itself as "Canada’s largest online … [Read more...]
Growing Scarcity of Geographic Domain Names: A Look at U.S. State Domains
PALM BEACH, FL - The internet landscape has undergone rapid transformation since the early days of the web (1990s), and one of the most valuable assets to emerge during this time is domain names. As businesses, organizations, and individuals rushed to stake their claims online, certain categories of domain names have become increasingly scarce, with geographic domains—particularly those tied to U.S. cities and states—standing out as prime real estate. Owning a domain like … [Read more...] Inc. Announces Groundbreaking “Future of Digital ID” With “.Box” Domain
CAYMAN ISLANDS - Inc. has announced what they referred to as the groundbreaking “future of digital identity” in the domain name industry: the impending launch of their new “.box” domain, which they tout as the first-ever blockchain native, DNS-routable domain supported by browsers, email, and digital wallets. According to a statement released by Inc. Founder Josh Brandley, the .box domain enables users to integrate multiple aspects of their online identities … [Read more...]