NEW YORK – There is an old saying “Follow the Money”, popularized by the 1976 drama-documentary motion picture “All the President's Men” which was about the Watergate scandal (I’ve yet to see the movie, but plan to). However, in this case, I prefer not to follow the money, because it looks like it's disappearing into a region of space-time; one exhibiting strong gravitational effects that nothing - not even particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light can escape … [Read more...]
What Is Web Site Hosting and Why Do I Need It? Seems Like A Monthly Rip Off
NEW YORK – Once in a while I come across a person, customer or prospect that doesn’t understand what website hosting is and why they might have to pay for it. They seem to feel that hosting is some unknown, unexplained add-on which seems confusing at best or a rip-off at worst. The particular people seem to think a website just 'exists' out there on the Inter-webs or are somehow part of the World Wide Web; they have trouble understanding what website hosting is and why … [Read more...]
Entrepreneurial Inspiration: Jeff Bezos, Amazon and Earth’s “Blue Origin”
NEW YORK, NY - Jeff Bezos, the guy who built and envisioned Amazon, the largest and most successful online only shopping site, isn’t much different than your average entrepreneur. He was raised in Houston Texas, is a child of divorce, was later adopted, worked at McDonald's as a young boy and went on to attend Princeton University where he graduated with a 4.2 grade point average. He is very much human - and - certainly a hard worker. Bezos held several good jobs after … [Read more...]
This Take Action Social Movement Platform Just Might Launch gTLDs into “Dot Space”
NEW YORK, NY – Every once in a while I see a real stand-out domain in the new gTLD space and that's what happened last night when I came across an organization called HARNESS, with its address ( being utilized in a great way, and to an audience likely to not care much what-in-the-world the ending dot is; it’s the organization that matters, and its purpose. While passionate lovers of this organizations' mission won’t care either way what the new dot address … [Read more...]