NEW YORK, NY – Last week, news began to circulate the search optimization-spear that, one of the oldest and most trusted web directories ever online, was discontinued forever (as of Mar 17, 2017). DMOZ was considered such an incredible resource, that Google itself mirrored it at, as did thousands of other sites across the net. However, Google discontinued the mirror on July 20, 2011, less than a year prior to announcing its “Google Penguin” … [Read more...]
New Google Search Tactic, Search “Box” Optimization, Making The Rounds
Someone introduced me to a new Internet marketing process yesterday which sounded too good to be true; sort of like Search Engine Optimization, nowadays; not realistic unless your budget is very strong. While looking into it some, I found out that it does make sense and people are in-fact using this process called SBO (Search Box Optimization) and it probably works, but it is considered a "Black-hat" tactic intended to "trick" Google into thinking a particular search term is … [Read more...]
Think You Don’t Need Those Google Sponsored Results? You’re Dead Wrong!
If you thought that sponsored search results on the top of seach engines were just for those who are hard to find or those wanting to increase brand value you are dead wrong. A research study conducted by shows just how inacurate this thought process is. Some key take-away information is below. … [Read more...]
Entrepreneurial Thinkers: Registering Your Own Trademark; Without Hiring a Lawyer
Many business owners and entrepreneurial thinkers would probably like to register a trademark but they think it’s too expensive or that you have to hire a few lawyers to get it done. Not so. Registering your own trademark is fairly easy to do provided you know a little about, well, what you want the trademark to be – That’s it. The process is easier than you might think. Now the office for Trademarks is the same office where you would file a patent, a much more complicated … [Read more...]