NEW YORK, NY – A long time ago, say, 8-10 years ago, to effectively market a website on the Internet you needed to know how to do some very basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and you needed to acquire lots of inbound links to your site – from just about anywhere you could find them, and when you understood this and utilized it, you could reap tremendous reward from search engine traffic. This is because if you simply acquired or purchased enough inbound links to your … [Read more...]
Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Domain Name Events in the United States
LONG ISLAND, NY - The following domain name events are coming up within the next few months and will all be held in the United States (Las Vegas Nevada, NYC New York and Orlando Florida - All fantastic destinations for just about anything you can think of). Whether you are looking to meet new business prospects to grow your revenue, get to meet (in-person) people you ordinarily deal with only online, or you're just looking to get away, domain name events are great places … [Read more...]
Forget That: Bing Wants Users to Ignore Ending .Com Domain Extensions
NEW YORK, NY –They say that actions speak louder than words. This holds true with Microsoft’s search engine, the second most popular search engine service, which has implemented an interesting change new gTLD lovers may be pleased about; they’ve removed the right-of-the-dot extension in search results for all .com domain names. So what is the subconscious message here? Performing a search on the search engine this morning, here, New York Eastern Time … [Read more...]
Websites and Domain Names to Become Insignificant within 20 Years or Less
LONG ISLAND, NY – Ten or twenty years ago, if you wanted to find information a search engine such as Yahoo would allow you to simply type-in what you were looking for, and countless websites would appear with information related to your search. Sometimes, ugly websites would appear that had keyword-stuffed their pages with the search string, but often you would be able to find what you were looking for within a few clicks around; and your answer was always on a website or web … [Read more...]
The Disappearing Act of the Web’s Best Web Directories; Where Are They Going?
NEW YORK, NY – Last week, news began to circulate the search optimization-spear that, one of the oldest and most trusted web directories ever online, was discontinued forever (as of Mar 17, 2017). DMOZ was considered such an incredible resource, that Google itself mirrored it at, as did thousands of other sites across the net. However, Google discontinued the mirror on July 20, 2011, less than a year prior to announcing its “Google Penguin” … [Read more...]
SedoMLS Network to Bring up to 18M Premium Domains to 16M+ Customers of Top Registrar 1&1 Internet
March 2nd, 2017 – Sedo, the world’s largest domain marketplace and monetization provider, and 1&1 Internet, the most trusted partner for digital success for small businesses, today announced a partnership that enables 1&1 to offer up to 18 million premium domain names from Sedo’s domain marketplace to its customer base of 16.75 million. The distribution of these premium domain names is made possible by the web’s largest domain distribution network, SedoMLS. 1&1 … [Read more...]
New Google Search Tactic, Search “Box” Optimization, Making The Rounds
Someone introduced me to a new Internet marketing process yesterday which sounded too good to be true; sort of like Search Engine Optimization, nowadays; not realistic unless your budget is very strong. While looking into it some, I found out that it does make sense and people are in-fact using this process called SBO (Search Box Optimization) and it probably works, but it is considered a "Black-hat" tactic intended to "trick" Google into thinking a particular search term is … [Read more...]
Throwback: Is Domain Parking Really Dead? If So, What Killed It? (Reprint: It’s That Good)
NEW YORK - A lot has changed with Domain Parking Revenue as well as Google Ad Earnings over the last, say, decade. There has been such great change that it's sometimes difficult to articulate - in a nutshell, why things have changed so drastically and in how many different ways this change has come about. I don't think anyone would argue that these changes have and continue to fundamentally reshape the entire industry. Last evening, I came across an article by writer and … [Read more...]
Expense Report: Domainers to See Increase in Costs via Secure Browser Requirements
Over the last year, buzz on SSL use in general has been skyrocketing due to increased hacking and search engine requirements. Now, web browsers will instill even more urgency for webmasters and site owners to get-their-act-together and prepare to tackle the challenge of converting non-secure sites, to secure. In a business field already difficult to prosper, the last thing you need is another monkey-wrench thrown into the mix. For many domain owners, including myself, it … [Read more...]
Flashback: Early Talks of Google Dominance Reflected in Malaysian Newspaper – 2002
NEW YORK, NY - If you were running your business online 14 years ago you may remember a time where Google search engine results, although unpredictable to some, were much different than what we have today. Here is an article which I found via Google's Newspaper Archive which shows just how long ago it was when the search engine company began its effort at shaking things up. It's around the same time they began their "Google advertising programmes" as referenced in the … [Read more...]
Think You Don’t Need Those Google Sponsored Results? You’re Dead Wrong!
If you thought that sponsored search results on the top of seach engines were just for those who are hard to find or those wanting to increase brand value you are dead wrong. A research study conducted by shows just how inacurate this thought process is. Some key take-away information is below. … [Read more...]