NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were just 60 reported .us domain sales so far this year. The highest reported sales were for $9,500.00 with the second highest name as for $3,200.00. I'm amazed that these .us domain names are doing so poorly. There was some discussion towards the end of last year and the beginning on this one on potential changes coming for .us that I guessed would have brightened its future some, but it does not look like … [Read more...]
Extraordinary Opportunity for Well-Positioned Players; Declining Industry?
NEW YORK, NY – Some companies reap high returns by investing heavily in a declining industry. Others sell out before competitors recognized the decline. Based on some numbers I posted yesterday, there’s no wonder it sparked some chatter back and forth on on whether the overall sales numbers are up or down (when compared to the entire list) or what's causing the decline, or if the decline is even accurate when viewing the entire years data (not just the top … [Read more...]
Top 100 .com Domain Name Sales in 2015 Verses 2016 Shows 35% Decline
The top 100 .com domain sales in 2015 (left) accounted for a total of $37,670,400.00 in sales while the top 100 domain name sales in 2016 (right) accounted for $24,427,430.00. A 35% Decline in overall sales … [Read more...]
Sedo Announces Management Change: Matthias Meyer-Schönherr Appointed CSO
GERMANY - June 8, 2017 – Sedo, the world’s largest domain marketplace and monetization provider is pleased to announce a shift within the Sedo management team. The role of Chief Sales Officer (CSO) Global has been assumed by Sedo and industry veteran, Matthias Meyer-Schönherr. Dima Beitzke, will be stepping down to pursue a new opportunity outside of the domain industry. The management of both the North American and International sales teams will continue from Sedo’s … [Read more...]
Top 100 .Net Domain Name Sales So Far This Year (01/02/2017 – 05/28/2017)
NEW YORK, NY - According to NameBio, there were a total of 1,636 reported .net domain sales so far this year. The highest reported sales were for $60,000.00 with the second place name as for $50,000.00. It looks like there is still some decent sales on .net domains here and there. 12 of these domain names sold at NamesCon. Below are the top .net domain name sales of this year based on data from NameBio. 42 (nearly half) of all sales which took place … [Read more...] Sells for $6k on Weekly Domain Name Sales List 04/03/2017 – 04/09/2017
NEW YORK, NY - Today, Sedo released its weekly sales list, a list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $36,000.00 US, the top ccTLD as at 53,052.50 US and the top “other” TLD as at 6,000.00 US. It is interesting to see a .info domain name sell for three times what its Estibot value shows it should be ($2,000.00). I like .info domains a lot - always have. It seems that every now … [Read more...]
Show Me The Money: Combined $22M+ in Sales Hiding Behind .com Numeric Domains
I have to admit I know very little about numeric domain names. They never made much sense to me but I know they are very popular in the Chinese market and within the Chinese investment space. The closest I ever came was owning for a short period of time, which I was able to sell with minimal - minimal effort. What I originally thought was a very unusual domain was desired by many. If I remember correctly I sold it for a few thousand dollars nearly a decade ago. With … [Read more...]
80% of Top 100 Highest .club Domain Buyers Leave Parked, Redirected, or Failing DNS
Next up in a new series of top 100 development potential domains lists is the .club domain. In comparison to top 100 LLL .com Liquid Domains, top 100 .net, and top 100 .org, I wanted to take a look at some gTLDs to see what buyers are actually doing with them and .club comes to mind first. The team at .club has done a fantastic job in marketing their new gTLD and it will be interesting to see. Sales figures are one thing when valuing domains, but actual development shows … [Read more...]
What Extensions Changed Hands in 2016 According to DNJournal’s Top 100 Charts
NEW YORK, NY - A reader suggested I look at the top domain sales of 2016 (specifically, the number of notable new gTLD sales); while I am waiting for a response from Sedo for a full set of data (if they will release it), I used Ron Jackson's popular 2016 Top 100 Domain Sales Charts to get an idea of exactly what moved around last year and how many ccTLDs verses gTLD domains hit the charts. Below is what I found [give or take a domain or two] (It was pretty grueling … [Read more...]
New gTLD? Not So Fast; History Suggests New ‘Right of the Dots’ Could = Total Failure
It's a time where new generic top level domains are taking a lot of the lime-light in domain circles, sales charts, and buzz; but is the entire thing just a huge distraction from what domainers should really be focused on? I stumbled upon a case-in-point scenario that no domainer should ignore, and I cannot believe no-one is talking about it more. It's got me questioning even my own enthusiasm for these new, right of the dots. And please do not get me wrong; I myself have … [Read more...]