NEW YORK, NY – In early 2005 I became a reseller for Wild West Domains Inc., a subsidiary of the GoDaddy, signing up for their Reseller opportunity, and at that time, their “Super Reseller” opportunity. The difference between the two was that the Super Reseller provided the ability to “resell” the “reseller” opportunity and put companies underneath you, earning a small portion of your acquired re-sellers sales, sort of like a sub-affiliate or MLM (multi-level-marketing) … [Read more...]
Quick Glimpse Inside NamesCon Global 2019 at the Tropicana, in Las Vegas
LAS VEGAS, NV – NamesCon Global 2019 is well underway with just one day remaining. While here since Sunday I’ve had just enough time to visit a few panels and keynotes of choice, all of which were great and well worth attending as listening and learning, if it creates just one new idea or new potential, can help steer direction in one’s career; not to mention all of the great networking opportunities the event provides while keeping your current industry relationships alive. … [Read more...]
SHERPA: “Wow, So This Is, Really, Maybe, It Would Be Fair to Say, The Biggest Auction The Domain Industry Has Ever Seen?”
NEW YORK, NY - I took the time to watch another Domain Sherpa show today - this one called "Domain Handcapping" since it was related to the upcoming NamesCon show next week from January 26, to January 30, 2019 - including “the main event” – the live auction which is held once a year. I’m very much looking forward to attending this year and I will certainly sit in on it and maybe even purchase something, so I wanted to hear what Monte Cahn and Drew Rosener had to say about … [Read more...]
Top 100 .com Domain Name Sales of 2016 Verses 2017 Suggests Market Stabilization
NEW YORK, NY - Last year about this time (June) I compared the highest valued .com sales of 2015 to 2016 which were publicly available at that time via (the list changed slightly today effectively creating a $2M difference and 30% decline rather than 35% indicated at that time[provided that 2015 remained unchanged]). It's also important to note that 2015 contained two blockbuster sales for $8M each. Today, comparing numbers for 2016 to 2017, from what data is … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 05/08/2018 – 05/14/2018
NEW YORK, NY – Recently released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at 25,000 EUR ($29,609.62 US), the top ccTLD as at 33,320 EUR ($39,465.81 US) and the top other as at $25,000 USD. Here is the entire list for sales from 05/08/2018 – 05/14/2018. Domain … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 05/01/2018 – 05/07/2018
NEW YORK, NY – Much like the previous list, this one is also a little late due to the holiday weekend. Recently released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $18,000 USD, the top ccTLD as at 7,999 EUR ($9,575.11 US) and the top other as at 4,999 EUR ($5,984.00 US). Here is the entire list for sales from 05/01/2018 - … [Read more...]
.COM Year in Review (2017): Top 100 Highest Reported .COM Domain Sales (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY - According to NameBio, 66,159 .com domain sales were reported last year. The value of these top 100 is over 25 Million Dollars ($25,163,289.00). The majority of the domain sales took place at venue Uniregistry, taking 24% of the top 100. Below are the top 100 highest valued .com sales for 2017. Domain Price Date Venue $ 2,890,000.00 4/4/2017 Private $ 2,000,000.00 10/22/2017 Sharjil … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 12/11/2017 – 12/17/2017
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $60,000.00 USD, the top ccTLD as at 10,000 EUR ($11,841.50 US Dollars) and the top other as at 3,000.00 EUR ($3,552.45 US Dollars) Here is the entire list for sales from 12/11/2017 – 12/17/2017. Domain … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 12/04/2017 – 12/10/2017
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $28,000.00 USD, the top ccTLD as at 9,995 GBP ($13,312.34 US Dollars) and the top other as at $3,500.00 USD. Here is the entire list for sales from 12/04/2017 – 12/10/2017. Domain … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 10/09/2017 – 10/15/2017
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $20,000 USD, the top ccTLD as at 10,000 GBP ($13,197.15 USD) and the top other as at $4,500.00 USD. Here is the entire list for sales from 10/09/2017 – 10/15/2017. Domain … [Read more...]
Top 100 .com Domain Name Sales with “Loan” in the URL (of All Time – NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 879 reported .com domain sales for domains containing the word "Loan". The highest reported sales were the domains “” for $3,000,000.00 with the second place name as “” for $1,000,000.00. Below are the top 100 .com domain name sales with "Loan" in the URL reflecting $5,482,806.00 in … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 08/07/2017 – 08/13/2017
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at 47,000 USD, the top ccTLD as at 45,000 USD and the top other as at 4,500 USD. Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 08/07/2017 – 08/13/2017. Domain … [Read more...]
Infographic: Domain Retail Sales Prices; Name Ninja Setting ‘Right Expectations’
NEW YORK, NY - Every once in a while I will promote an Infographic if I feel it ads value to the discussion. Here is a past one on conversions. This infographic below was created by Name Ninja with information from a site I use and reference often, NameBio, for its data on domain sales history. Name Ninja is a strategic domain name acquisition consultancy firm which helps customers acquire the best name for their project. As most people know, most if not all .com domain … [Read more...]
List of Newer “Keyword Rich” gTLD Domains Changing Hands So Far This Year (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY - This is not going to be an all inclusive list as some domain sales go unreported and some I've heard of which are not listed, such as "Homes.Forsale" and "Houses.Forsale", but this will give you a good idea of the types of names changing hands and the types of dots which are building momentum. The following list of gTLDs were listed at NameBio as closing sometime during this year (2017). They are listed in alphabetical order by TLD. The list does not include … [Read more...] Weekly Domain Name Sales List 06/12/2017 – 06/18/2017
NEW YORK, NY - Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $86,500.00 US, the top ccTLD as at 7,700 EUR ($8,572.80 US) Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 06/12/2017 - 06/18/2017. Domain … [Read more...]