WEST PALM BEACH, FL – Have you recently noticed your lead forms being filled out with fake information, phone numbers that don't work and/or email addresses that bounce back? Google's Display Network (GDN) and Microsoft's Audience Network (MSAN) both serve ads across a vast number of websites, apps, and video content. While both companies have robust fraud detection systems in place, bot traffic and fraudulent interactions can occur within these networks. Here’s … [Read more...]
56% Increase In Disaster Recovery Events Related To Microsoft 365 Domains
REDMOND, WA - According to new data released by IT services data protection and security company N-able, 2024 so far has seen a huge uptick in hacking and cyberattacks targeting Microsoft 365 domains, with a 56 percent increase in the number of disaster recovery events among the service’s clients and a large uptick in the number of backups among its partners. Critical Start’s Cyber Research Unit (CRU) issued a report that states the number of cyber alerts in the first … [Read more...]
Brooklyn, NY Based Domainer Sells “HarrisWalz.com” Domain for $15,000
BROOKLYN, NY - With the news that current Vice President Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate for the 2024 election, you might decide to pull up a web browser and head on over to “HarrisWalz.com” to find out a little more about this duo and their platform. However, if you do, you’ll simply be greeted with a green background with the word “Walz” spelled out in black, low-resolution letters. No campaign material, no policies, no biographies, … [Read more...]
Domain Name Registrar Epik Feels It’s Being Deplatformed After PayPal Cuts Ties
SAMMAMISH, WA - After online payments system PayPal stopped offering services to Epik, the domain name registrar company says it’s being targeted on political grounds and not what Paypal has said to be a financial basis. A number of open letters have been posted by Epik responding to the issue, and the company cited that 'service risk' was the reason PayPal gave over the withdrawal of Epik’s support. While PayPal says it regrets the decision and the inconvenience caused … [Read more...]
“Global Internet Crash” Diverted As ICANN Implements DNS Security Enhancements
NEW YORK, NY – Early last month, The Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which is responsible for maintaining the registry of domain names and IP addresses, was preparing to implement the very first change to the “cryptographic keys” which help protect the Domain Name System (DNS) - the Internet's address book. The change had been delayed for over a year as ICANN reviewed last-minute data about the change and accessed any potential risk to the … [Read more...]
Battle to Take-down Backpage.com Ends in Seizure, Criminal Indictments of Ownership
NEW YORK – A long-time battle to remove Backpage.com from the Internet has ended with the indictments of ownership and government seizure of its domain Backpage.com, which hosted a popular online classifieds site similar to Craigslist which allegedly was used heavily by escorts and massage providers far-bending the envelope between casual encounters, prostitution and human trafficking, according to investigators. Since 2010, Backpage.com has come under fire for its alleged … [Read more...]
GDPR: The Entering of a New Era; User Data Privacy and Protection; Are You Ready?
NEW YORK, NY – The clock is counting down on a new set of rules to be enforced this May, which will affect not only UK based businesses, but all businesses operating in the digital realm, in the event they handle user data from UK based residents, to near any extent. There is a lot of preparation going on right now, and has been over the last year, in anticipation of these new rules. Some businesses may even disappear altogether. I for one, actually shut-down and sold-off … [Read more...]
UDRP Reform Can’t Come Soon Enough…
NEW YORK, NY – There is a new trend out there and you won’t notice it by searching Google Trends. No, it’s a quietly growing trend that is not something most people know about. It’s also not something most people will fight for, but the ICA is working on a resolution, and it looks like that resolution can’t come fast enough. Because it is being used by corporate greed mongers who hadn’t thought fast enough; they would like to grow their brands and businesses by stealing what … [Read more...]
Will People Use Alternative Domain Names Like They Do Toll Free Phone Numbers?
NEW YORK - Much like .com domain names, 1-800 toll free phone numbers with meaning in their letters such as 1-800-FLOWERS, are hard to come by these days – or even impossible to obtain, based on limited supply. Although it is indeed possible to get a 1-800 phone number today, if you’re looking for a vanity number, such as one with clear meaning in its letters, you’re much more likely to get it using an alternative such as 888. This is very much what we are seeing today … [Read more...]