WEST PALM BEACH, FL – Recently released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as hiPhi.com at $99,999 USD, the top ccTLD as Hausfinanzierung.de at 14,000 EUR ($16,517.90 US) and the top other as Gxyjjt.org a at $9,000 USD [will be interesting to see what hiPhi.com is used for]. Here is the entire list for Sedo.com sales from 7/27/2020 – … [Read more...]
Legacy Domain “Movies.net” Premiers In SEDO Weekly Sales List at $45,000
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – According to a weekly sales release issued by SEDO domain marketplace and parking provider, the domain name “Movies.net” (parked at Godaddy) has changed hands for the cool sum of $45,000, making it the highest ‘public’ sale of the week. Each week, SEDO releases a list of domain names which have been sold including highlights of .COM, ccTLDs and notable domains in ‘other’ TLD categories. It is nice to see a short “legacy” .net domain name sell … [Read more...]
Numbers Reported for “.CLUB” Decline Due to Registry Quality Compliance & Cleanup
PALM BEACH, FL – The following is a correction to previously published work which included an embedded Tweet which has been called into question and said, by the registry, to be incorrect; a reader from the “.Club” registry contacted me with a correction request yesterday including some supporting explanations for certain numbers seen on nTLDStats.com and numbers from a Tweet which were embedded and published on StrategicRevenue.com on October 17, 2019. Upon reading the … [Read more...]
.NET Year in Review (2018): Top 100 Highest Reported .NET Domain Sales (NameBio)
PALM BEACH, FL – This is another follow-up from last years list; .NET Year in Review (2017): (It's been a busy year and it looks as though I got to it late this year) According to NameBio, as of now there are 2,430 total domain sales are on the books for the .net domain name in 2018. (Compared to the 4,325 .ORGs) The value of these top 100 totals just $946,689 - much worse than the .org domains did ($1,698,630.00) last year - looks bad for .net. We can add this … [Read more...]
Sedo.com Weekly Domain Sales List Includes .App at $14k, .Me at $8,500
NEW YORK, NY – Recently released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as Ivypay.com at $22,000 USD, the top ccTLD as Hola.me at $8,500 and the top other as Host.app at 12,000 EUR ($14,020.20 USD). Here is the entire list for Sedo.com sales from 07/16/2018 – 07/22/2018. Domain … [Read more...]
Sedo.com Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 07/09/2018 – 07/15/2018
NEW YORK, NY – Recently released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as BTCExchange.com at $55,000 USD, the top ccTLD as Park.co.us at 22,500 GBP ($29,508.19 US) and the top other as KYG.org at $8,800 USD. Here is the entire list for Sedo.com sales from 07/09/2018 – 07/15/2018. Domain … [Read more...]
Top 100 .COM Domain Names; All Time, Public Sales Listings at NameBio.com
NEW YORK, NY - The following list is the top 100 .com domain names that have sold and been reported (on record) at NameBio. It is nice to take a look at the list every once in a while to remind yourself of some of the largest sales and what these little gems of virtual real estate are worth; enjoy. All prices are in … [Read more...]
.NET Year in Review (2017): Top 100 Highest Reported .NET Domain Sales (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, 3,664 .net domain sales were reported last year (compared to 66,159 .com). The value of these top 100 is just $1,291,335.00 (about 1/25th of the $25M in .coms). The majority of these .net domain sales took place at venue Sedo.com, taking 35% of the top 100. Below are the top 100 highest valued .net sales for 2017. Domain Price Date Venue co.net $ 100,000 10/22/2017 Aishwin.com app.net $ … [Read more...]
.COM Year in Review (2017): Top 100 Highest Reported .COM Domain Sales (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY - According to NameBio, 66,159 .com domain sales were reported last year. The value of these top 100 is over 25 Million Dollars ($25,163,289.00). The majority of the domain sales took place at venue Uniregistry, taking 24% of the top 100. Below are the top 100 highest valued .com sales for 2017. Domain Price Date Venue fly.com $ 2,890,000.00 4/4/2017 Private eth.com $ 2,000,000.00 10/22/2017 Sharjil … [Read more...]
10 Years Later: A Look at ALL (96) Recorded .ASIA Domain Sales Over Past 5 Years
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 96 "reported" .ASIA domain sales over the last 5 year period. These top 96 total $148,019.00 in sales. The highest reported sales on this list were the domains “Mobile.asia” for $10,000.00 with the second as “L.asia” for $6,374.00 (Neither of which are developed). .asia is not a country code top-level domain (ccTLD). It is a (sTLD) that is 'intended' for those who have a 'connection' to the region but an actual … [Read more...]
Top 100 .com Domain Name Sales with “Loan” in the URL (of All Time – NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 879 reported .com domain sales for domains containing the word "Loan". The highest reported sales were the domains “Loans.com” for $3,000,000.00 with the second place name as “PersonalLoans.com” for $1,000,000.00. Below are the top 100 .com domain name sales with "Loan" in the URL reflecting $5,482,806.00 in … [Read more...]
Top 100 .US (United States ccTLD) Domain Name Sales Over Past 5 Years (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 834 reported .us domain sales over the past 5 years. The highest reported sales were the domains “Norm.us” for $150,000.00 with the second place name as “Band.us” for $20,200.00. Below are the top 100 .us domain sales which reflect $685,368.00 in sales. Domain Price Date Venue norm.us $ 150,000.00 5/23/2015 Uniregistry band.us $ 20,200.00 4/10/2013 Got.us cash.us $ … [Read more...]
21 Years Later: Look at the Top 100 .TV Domain Sales Over Past 5 Years
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 859 reported .TV domain sales over the last 5 year period. These top 100 total $1,461,847.00 in sales. The highest reported sales on this list were the domains “USA.TV” for $125,000.00 with the second place name as “SC.TV” for $40,000.00. USA.tv is parked at Uniregistry, while SC.TV is redirected to www.SmithsonianChannel.com. The domain is popular because it is an abbreviation of the word television, but its … [Read more...]
Top 100 LLLLL.com (5 Letter) Domain Sales So Far This Year (01/02/2017 – 06/21/2017)
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 1,254 reported LLLLL.com (5 Letter) domain sales so far this year. The highest reported sales were the domains “Place.com” for $550,000.00 with the second place name as “Asset.com” for $406,000.00. LLLLL.com (5 Letter) domain names are still fairly easy to come by when they are random letters and you’ll find a great deal of them on sites like ExpiredDomains.net (if you have a membership click this … [Read more...]
Top 250 “Automotive” “Cars” and “Real Estate” .Com Domains Sold in Last 5 Years
NEW YORK, NY – Have a domain name with the word "Automotive" "Cars" or "Real Estate" within it? The following list contains the top 250 .com domain sales which have taken place within the last 5 years for domain names with the word "Automotive" "Cars" or "Real Estate" in the URL. This is for “reported” domain sales according to NameBio. The highest sale was TorontoRealEstate.com at $140,000.00 (Nice One!) Being from Long Island I also really like LongIslandRealEstate.com … [Read more...]