WASHINGON, D.C. - Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is claiming that internet domain registrar Verisign is a “monopoly” and is subsequently demanding that an antitrust investigation be carried out against the company. Working in conjunction with Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), Warren sent a letter last week to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) that accuses the top-level domain (TLD) market of being tightly controlled by Verisign, whom she claims … [Read more...]
ApeCoin Community Endorses Registering .APE as Top-Level Domain with ICANN
PALM BEACH, FL - The ApeCoin community has enthusiastically endorsed a proposal that would involve registering “.APE” as a top-level domain (TLD) with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the nonprofit organization that oversees the domain industry. It is anticipated that ICANN would be motivated to allow .APE to become registered as a TLD, given their stated goal of introducing new generic top level domains by 2026. 91.68 percent … [Read more...]
My.box Inc. Announces Groundbreaking “Future of Digital ID” With “.Box” Domain
CAYMAN ISLANDS - My.box Inc. has announced what they referred to as the groundbreaking “future of digital identity” in the domain name industry: the impending launch of their new “.box” domain, which they tout as the first-ever blockchain native, DNS-routable domain supported by browsers, email, and digital wallets. According to a statement released by My.box Inc. Founder Josh Brandley, the .box domain enables users to integrate multiple aspects of their online identities … [Read more...]
Audio Arguments for ‘Calculated Theft’ Attempt of HeidiPowell.com Domain
NEW YORK, NY - For those who are unaware of the backstory behind the failed cyber-squatting attempt by Arizona Heidi in her effort to steal the online identity of the original Heidi Powell, the effort continues via opening of an old bankruptcy case to acquire the domain name HeidiPowell.com. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON AT SEATTLE before Honorable Marc Barreca, Chapter 7, Hearing Date: March 22, 2017, Hearing Time: 10:00 a.m. Even if … [Read more...]