RESTON, VA - According to the latest VeriSign Domain Name Industry Brief Quarterly Report from, the fourth quarter of 2024 concluded with 364.3 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains (TLDs). This represents an increase of 2.0 million registrations, or 0.5%, compared to the third quarter of 2024, and a year-over-year growth of 4.4 million registrations, or 1.2%. The combined total of .com and .net TLDs reached 169.0 million domain name … [Read more...]
Annual Number of Domain Name Registrations Remains Flat at End of 2024
LOS ANGELES, CA - According to end-of-the-year roundups, the number of domain name registrations that took place during the course of 2024 remained essentially flat when compared to the year prior, indicating that growth within the industry has stagnated to a degree following the increased demand brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. There were 362.3 million domain names registered at the end of the fourth quarter of 2024 according to the most recent Domain Name … [Read more...]
Uh Oh: 400,000 Less gTLD Registrations First Quarter of 2018, Vs Previous Quarter
NEW YORK – New gTLD proponents will be less than excited to learn that according to the latest Verisign Domain Name Industry Brief, new gTLD domain registrations, despite there being more awareness :) and more names available for registration, such extensions experienced a decline of 400,000 registrations or loss of 2% within the first Quarter of 2018 (Q1) when compared to the last Quarter of 2017 (Q4). Verisign creates these industry briefs to include quarter-over-quarter … [Read more...]
Automotive Shopping Sites Take Major Plunge In Web Traffic, User Visits for 4th Quarter of 2016
COMMACK, NY - Something happened out there in traffic land, beginning sometime in September 2016, which has sent the worlds top 10 automotive shopping sites into a complete nose dive when it comes to traffic, page-views, and likely, revenue. Something is definitely happening in the automotive shopping space, and potentially across the board effecting multiple industries. Why Are Auto Shopping Sites Taking A Major Plunge In Traffic? Was it the returning school year [as … [Read more...]