WEST PALM BEACH, FL - In a significant shift for the internet's infrastructure, the decades-old Whois system is being phased out, making way for its modern successor: the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP). This transition marks the end of an era for one of the internet's most recognizable tools and ushers in a new chapter in how domain registration data is accessed and managed. For years, Whois has been the go-to resource for querying domain name registration … [Read more...]
50 Million Potentially Compromised In PowerSchool Data Breach
SACRAMENTO, CA - On December 28, 2024, PowerSchool, a prominent provider of educational technology services to over 60 million K-12 students worldwide, identified a cybersecurity incident involving unauthorized access to its Student Information System (SIS) through the PowerSource customer support portal. The breach, which occurred between December 19 and December 24, 2024, allowed threat actors to exfiltrate sensitive data, including names, addresses, dates of birth, … [Read more...]
Over 20,000 Short Premium Domains to Be Released at NamesCon Global 2024
BELLEVUE, WA - Domain name registrar and registry services provider Identity Digital has announced they will be releasing – for first-time availability – over 20,000 short premium domains at NamesCon Global 2024, including hundreds of .vote domains just in time for election season, as well as more than 1,000 one and two-character .info domains. Identity Digital noted that the launch of the Early Access Phase (EAP) for these premium domains is slated to take place … [Read more...]
Google Now Displays Wallet Balances for Ethereum Name Services (ENS) Domains
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA - Google has recently integrated native support for wallet balances of Ethereum Name Services (ENS) domains in its search results, a move that should simplify the process of sending and receiving funds on the part of cryptocurrency holders by substituting standard – and, thus, easier to remember – domain names in the place of the complicated wallet addresses commonly associated with blockchain-specific domains. ENS translates computer identifiers into … [Read more...]
10 Billion Connections to Malicious Domains Blocked by NSA in 2023 via “PDNS”
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The National Security Agency (NSA) noted that 10 billion user connections to known malicious or suspicious domains were blocked over the course of the past year as part of the agency’s efforts, according to its 2023 Cybersecurity Year in Review report released on Tuesday. The NSA‘s annual report is a public account of the agency’s work with government partners, defense industrial base (DIB) entities, and foreign partners to help keep the nation secure, … [Read more...]
Another Five Figure Legacy “.Net” Sale on SEDO Weekly Sales List – Sold at $15k
PALM BEACH, FL – While the four letter domain name Fook.com sold at $15,000 this week according to the latest SEDO.com weekly domain sales report, also notable is the one word legacy .net domain name Limitless.net which also sold at $15,000. Last week Sin.net change hands at $20,000. Each week, SEDO releases a list of domain names which have been sold including highlights of .COM, ccTLDs and notable domains in ‘other’ TLD categories. It is always … [Read more...]
SEDO Weekly Sales List Includes Three Letter .Net Domain Sold at $20,000
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The domain name BetterCare.com sold at $30,000 this week according to the latest SEDO.com weekly domain sales report. Also notable is the three letter legacy .net domain name Sin.net which sold at $20,000. Each week, SEDO releases a list of domain names which have been sold including highlights of .COM, ccTLDs and notable domains in ‘other’ TLD categories. It is always nice to see short “legacy” .net domain names sell. Here … [Read more...]
SEDO Weekly Sales List Includes .Org Domain Sold at $36,523, .Me at $58,437
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The domain name EditPad.org sold at $36,523 USD this week according to the latest SEDO.com weekly domain sales report. Also notable is .me domain name (country code top-level domain assigned to Montenegro), flow.me at $58,437 USD. Each week, SEDO releases a list of domain names which have been sold including highlights of .COM, ccTLDs and notable domains in ‘other’ TLD categories. It is always nice to see … [Read more...]
SEDO Weekly Sales List Includes Three Letter .Org Domain Sold at $25,000
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The three letter domain name NMF.org sold at 25,000 USD this week according to the latest SEDO.com weekly domain sales report. Also notable is .co domain name (country code top-level domain assigned to Colombia), ROOTS.co at $14,500 USD. Each week, SEDO releases a list of domain names which have been sold including highlights of .COM, ccTLDs and notable domains in ‘other’ TLD categories. It is always nice to see short “legacy” .org domain names … [Read more...]
SEDO Weekly Sales List Includes Legacy Domain “BABA.NET” Sold at $8,000.00
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The domain name limit.com sold at 120,000 USD this week according to the latest SEDO.com weekly domain sales report. Also notable is another .net domain name, BABA.NET, currently redirecting to Coupons.com, which closed for 8,000 USD. Each week, SEDO releases a list of domain names which have been sold including highlights of .COM, ccTLDs and notable domains in ‘other’ TLD categories. It is always nice to see short “legacy” .net domain name sell as … [Read more...]
SEDO Weekly Sales List Includes Legacy Domain “YJYZW.NET” Sold at $9,999
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The domain name capsules.com sold at 50,000 USD this week according to the latest SEDO.com weekly domain sales report. What seems more notable is another .net domain name, YJYZW.NET, currently not resolving, which closed for 9,999 USD. Each week, SEDO releases a list of domain names which have been sold including highlights of .COM, ccTLDs and notable domains in ‘other’ TLD categories. It is always nice to see short “legacy” .net domain name sell for … [Read more...]
Five Letter .COM Tops Sedo.com Weekly Sales List 7/27/2020 – 8/2/2020 at $99K
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – Recently released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as hiPhi.com at $99,999 USD, the top ccTLD as Hausfinanzierung.de at 14,000 EUR ($16,517.90 US) and the top other as Gxyjjt.org a at $9,000 USD [will be interesting to see what hiPhi.com is used for]. Here is the entire list for Sedo.com sales from 7/27/2020 – … [Read more...]
Memento.com Sells at Sedo for $148,000
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The domain name memento.com has sold at Sedo.com according to their latest weekly domain sales report. The name, currently parked at Godaddy.com, is a word which means “an object kept as a reminder or souvenir of a person or event” – pretty interesting its worth that much. You just never know these days what a domain name will be sold for. People often ask my opinion of what their domain names might be worth, and in most cases, no one really knows. It … [Read more...]
Sedo Holding Special “No-Reserve” .CO Domain Auction Event July 23rd – 30th
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – This morning Sedo, the world’s leading domain marketplace is announced a special “No-Reserve” .CO - auction event with mainly English keyword domains which will be held from July 23-30. The auction is said to be in honor of .CO’s 10th anniversary. The general public was able to register “.co” domain names on a first-come, first-served basis (general availability) beginning July 20, 2010. The is a closed auction with no open application phase. The … [Read more...]
Nonprofit “ICANN” Exists to Serve the Public Good, Or Does It? What Say You?
PALM BEACH, FL – An important awareness message came out of The Internet Commerce Association (ICA) today, and it should make, even the least interested shopper, question whether or not price increases to consumers are justified when an item or service is purchased from a company with specific oversight from an authoritative body. Whether it is over domain names, or anything else, the question should be, when does a company - any company, which is permitted to … [Read more...]