REDMOND, WA - Cybersecurity experts have noted a large increase in the number of phishing attacks recently as hackers have been altering their attack avenues in order to work their way around increasingly complex email security systems designed to circumvent their efforts. Both the volume and complexity of malicious emails have been on the rise and are proving to be increasingly able to bypass Secure Email Gateways (SEGs) such as Microsoft and Proofpoint, according … [Read more...]
Recently Discovered October 2023 Xfinity Hack Affects Nearly 36 Million Customers
PHILADELPHIA, PA - Leading internet service provider, Xfinity, recently released information regarding a major data breach that is expected to have affected millions of customers. The offenders exploited a vulnerability left by a patch, causing unauthorized access to software provider Citrix, a system used by Xfinity. It is important for Xfinity users to amend their usernames and passwords in response to this breach, even if their data has not been directly exposed. While … [Read more...]
Google Search Console Consolidates Common Variations Into Single Domain
BOCA RATON – Not sure why it has taken Google so long to realize and implement a sites various version into webmaster tools, but they have finally sent out a notification letting users know they have done so. It’s been one of the most annoying things; to have to enter each individual version of your sites URL into webmaster tools. For example, www, non www, http://, https, etc. This should go without having to designate as it just creates extra meaningless work when adding … [Read more...]