PALM BEACH, FL - How do I go about selling domain names? That was the question highlighted in a Seattle Times news story on Nov. 16, 2019 by author Patrick Marshall. While the article mentioned some popular online tools such as and (which help give a ball-park figure on potential value), the author seemed to leave out one of the best options for selling a domain; a domain name broker. The author probably should have mentioned a “domain broker” along … [Read more...]
If I Had Just Started With Domain Names Today, I Don’t Think I Would Make It
NEW YORK, NY – When I started in this industry it was the year 2000. The Internet looked very different than it does today, and people were just starting to get acquainted with Google. Search engine optimization was a lot easier to do with most people not having even heard of the term “SEO”. Back then, as a website owner, you were able to take advantage of certain techniques which could easily put you ahead of the majority. Compared to today, there was little competition … [Read more...]