WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The domain name lokal.com sold at 40,600 EUR ($47,968) last week according to the latest SEDO.com weekly domain sales report. Other notable sales in the five-figure range were four letter .COM domain OOTD.com for $40,000, offices.co 19,000 EUR ($22,450) and YHXC.net at $15,000. Each week, SEDO releases a list of domain names which have been sold including highlights of .COM, ccTLDs and notable domains in ‘other’ TLD categories. Here are the … [Read more...]
17 of the Most Profitable Business Industries in America; Highest Profit Margins and Why
If you operate a small business and focus on client acquisition there are certain industries or 'niches' which generally do better than others. In-other-words, some niche businesses may be more likely to signup for tools to increase profitability, simplify their business processes, for services poised at increasing their own client base, or services including advertising, and/or promotional opportunities. Listed below is a group of industries in the United States which are … [Read more...]