NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $25,000 EUR ($29,376.75 US Dollar), the top ccTLD as at 11,900 EUR ($13,985.47 US Dollar) and the top other as at $10,000.00 USD. Here is the entire list for sales from 09/25/2017 – 10/01/2017. Domain … [Read more...]
Update: Top 100 .Net Domain Sales So Far This Year (01/02/2017 – 09/09/2017)
NEW YORK, NY - Earlier this year I gathered a list of top sales from NameBio for the .net extension. This list requires an update as Uniregistry released sales numbers which contain some very impressive sales for domains (NameBio added the entire list to its database yesterday). Listed below is an updated record of .net domain names which have been reported publicly and have closed this year reflecting $1,068,769.00 in sales. I've been watching single word .net … [Read more...]
Verisign Releases 2017 Second Quarter Industry Brief on Domain Name Market
NEW YORK, NY – In an endless sea of opinions (I admit, including my own) it is great to look at meaningful data when it comes to where our industry is going as far as growth, innovation and trends. If you would like to read-over the Verisign’s 2017 Second Quarter Industry report, it is online here (PDF). Some key takeaways: .com registrations are up to 129.2 million. .net and .org are still major players, but in number of registrations, far behind ccTLDs such as … [Read more...]
US Fortune 500 Businesses, Their Domain Name Characteristics, and Secure Status
NEW YORK, NY - Each year Fortune Magazine publishes a list of the largest companies in the United States by revenue. Below is the list for 2016. Also below, are some interesting characteristics of their domain name choices including whether or not these companies are prepared for SSLs on their corporate websites. 494 are using .com domain names, 4 use .nets, 1 .org, and 1 .xyz. 494 (98.8%) have chosen the ".com" extension for their domain name. 235 (47%) are running … [Read more...]
What Do You See Here? Top 10 Legacy Domain Name Sales Over Last Few Years
NEW YORK, NY - Thanks to sites such as Namebio, we can examine REPORTED domain name sales over the years in just about any order or scenario. Today I wanted to look at the top 10 domain name sales over the last few years for legacy and some popular domain extensions. They are listed here twice; once accounting for only characters in the domain and then again for those including numeric and dashes. There has been some changes in the investments from foreign countries such as … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 08/14/2017 – 08/20/2017
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $36,600.00 USD, the top ccTLD as at 18,000 EUR ($21,164.67 US) and the top other as at $10,000.00 USD. Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 08/14/2017 – 08/20/2017. Domain … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 08/07/2017 – 08/13/2017
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at 47,000 USD, the top ccTLD as at 45,000 USD and the top other as at 4,500 USD. Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 08/07/2017 – 08/13/2017. Domain … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 07/24/2017 – 07/30/2017
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $35,000.00 US, the top ccTLD as at 10,000 US and the top other as $3,327 GBP ($4,393.30 US) Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 07/24/2017 – 07/30/2017. Domain … [Read more...]
Top 100 3 Letter Domain Sales So Far This Year (01/02/2017 – 05/20/2017)
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 846 reported domain sales so far this year. The highest reported sales were the domains “” for $24,000.00 with the second place name as “” for $20,000.00. 3 Letter .net domain names are hard to come by and you’ll never see them on sites like They are quickly snapped up before they drop completely. Below are the top 100 domain sales of this year which reflect … [Read more...]
Top 100 .Net Domain Name Sales So Far This Year (01/02/2017 – 05/28/2017)
NEW YORK, NY - According to NameBio, there were a total of 1,636 reported .net domain sales so far this year. The highest reported sales were for $60,000.00 with the second place name as for $50,000.00. It looks like there is still some decent sales on .net domains here and there. 12 of these domain names sold at NamesCon. Below are the top .net domain name sales of this year based on data from NameBio. 42 (nearly half) of all sales which took place … [Read more...]
Forget That: Bing Wants Users to Ignore Ending .Com Domain Extensions
NEW YORK, NY –They say that actions speak louder than words. This holds true with Microsoft’s search engine, the second most popular search engine service, which has implemented an interesting change new gTLD lovers may be pleased about; they’ve removed the right-of-the-dot extension in search results for all .com domain names. So what is the subconscious message here? Performing a search on the search engine this morning, here, New York Eastern Time … [Read more...]
Corporate Giant with New gTLD Explains What, How and Why It Chose New Domain
NEW YORK, NY - Canon Inc., a multinational corporation headquartered in Japan, is one of hundreds of global corporations which have applied to operate their very own domain extension on the Internet. These new web addresses, specifically, this one, .cannon, will serve as one of potentially several official sites for the Corporation for ensuring users are on the actual Cannon site as it is an internet address only Cannon will be permitted to use. Other more common addresses … [Read more...]
New gTLD Success Will Be Measured Only by Use; Not Sales, Not Registrations
NEW YORK, NY - This week a new gTLD sale made the news, not because of its great keyword, but due to its high price and its ending extension. The domain name recently sold for over $200,000.00 at SEDO. This might seem like a domainers dream-sale turning a lucky registrant into an instant success, but it was far from a general availability registration; it was actually a domain name reserved by the registry. So basically, it was, for the most part, a planned … [Read more...]
80% of Top 100 Highest .club Domain Buyers Leave Parked, Redirected, or Failing DNS
Next up in a new series of top 100 development potential domains lists is the .club domain. In comparison to top 100 LLL .com Liquid Domains, top 100 .net, and top 100 .org, I wanted to take a look at some gTLDs to see what buyers are actually doing with them and .club comes to mind first. The team at .club has done a fantastic job in marketing their new gTLD and it will be interesting to see. Sales figures are one thing when valuing domains, but actual development shows … [Read more...]
Top 100 Highest .org Domain Sales Indicate Strong Interest, Desire by End-Users
As a follow up to yesterday's look at the largest .net domain name sales in history and what use is actually being put towards these domains from end users, .net appears hurting in actual business owner belief in what these domain assets are worth when building a foundation for business. Today, we're looking at .org - and holy smokes is it a different story with .org buyers; many more develop and launch their projects on them. The list below ($6.2 million dollars in domain … [Read more...]