NEW YORK – With each passing day we are living and working in more of a 'digital' world. One of my latest companies is called "Cars Digital Inc." It is a digital advertising agency which focuses on lead generation specifically for car dealers. That's why today we are looking at domain name price changes over time for all URLs that changed hands at least twice over the past 10 years (22,065 publicly, those on record at NameBio) that also included the word "Digital". Thanks … [Read more...]
Winners and Losers; A Look at 3 Letter (LLL) Domain Investments Over Last 10 Years
NEW YORK – Three letter .com domain names are pretty solid investments. They are often referred to as “liquid domains” – those which can be converted into cash quickly. Thanks to NameBio, it’s easy to see that the majority of three letter domain names which have changed hands at least twice in the last 10 years, (publicly, those available at NameBio), have made their traders profits. Although there are some losses on record here, the majority, 68% (194) of all 286 … [Read more...]
Round Two: .COM Domain Values List, “Domainer Domains”, Not Much Change
NEW YORK, NY - Yesterday, we looked at how some commercial interest .com domain names have changed in value over the last decade. There really was not too much to see with about half of the domain names going up in value (46%) and half going down (51%). I guess it is fair to say that more declined than went up, but it was pretty close to even. Today I wanted to look at domains with less commercial value, so we will looked at pure domainer domains. This list examines 35 … [Read more...]
How .COM Domain Names Have Changed Value Over Time; Commercial Interest Term
NEW YORK, NY - There is only one thing better than speculation; and that's fact. Wouldn't you agree? Let’s look at some historical sales data on .com domain names which have “sold at least twice” and include the words “real estate”, a good commercial interest term. (Data gathered from a list of every .com domain name on record at NameBio which sold more than once in the past 10 years). Thanks to NameBio, we can see that out of 39 transactions, 20 of them (51%) declined … [Read more...]
.ORG Year in Review (2017): Top 100 Highest Reported .ORG Domain Sales (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, 3,503 .org domain sales were reported last year (compared to 3,664 .net and 66,159 .com sales). The value of these top 100 is just $1,161,492.00 (about $125K less than their .net legacy competitor and about 1/25th of the $25M in .coms). The majority of these .org domain sales also, like .net sales, took place at venue, taking 36% of the top 100 (35% .net). Particularly interesting is the performance for this list of top 100 .net … [Read more...]
.NET Year in Review (2017): Top 100 Highest Reported .NET Domain Sales (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, 3,664 .net domain sales were reported last year (compared to 66,159 .com). The value of these top 100 is just $1,291,335.00 (about 1/25th of the $25M in .coms). The majority of these .net domain sales took place at venue, taking 35% of the top 100. Below are the top 100 highest valued .net sales for 2017. Domain Price Date Venue $ 100,000 10/22/2017 $ … [Read more...]
.COM Year in Review (2017): Top 100 Highest Reported .COM Domain Sales (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY - According to NameBio, 66,159 .com domain sales were reported last year. The value of these top 100 is over 25 Million Dollars ($25,163,289.00). The majority of the domain sales took place at venue Uniregistry, taking 24% of the top 100. Below are the top 100 highest valued .com sales for 2017. Domain Price Date Venue $ 2,890,000.00 4/4/2017 Private $ 2,000,000.00 10/22/2017 Sharjil … [Read more...]
Top 100 ‘Automotive’, ‘Auto’ and ‘Cars’ Domains Sold Over Last 5 Years (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY - The following collaborated list includes all "public" domain names which have sold over the last 5 years which contain the words, "auto", "cars" and "automotive" (public sales according to NameBio). The list was built during my research for Cars Digital Inc. and added here for your enjoyment and learning … [Read more...]
Top 100 Domain Sales for Names Containing the Word “News” Past 5 Years (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY - News is a hot commodity these days, especially with the birth and buzz around Fake News turning elections. Fundamental change is what's happening out there in the News content landscape, and its especially influential when powered by syndication giants such as Bing News and Google News, who make stories reach thousands - quick. Yep, just about anyone with a good writing educate, great looking site and/or a cool looking domain name can find themselves nearly … [Read more...]
20 Years Later: A Look at The Top 100 .IO Domain Sales Over the Past 5 Years
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 2,927 “reported” .IO domain sales over the last 5 year period. These top 100 total $993,953.00 in sales. The highest reported sales on this list were the domains “” for $60,000.00 with the second as “” for $45,000.00 (Neither of which are developed). .io is a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) assigned to the British Indian Ocean Territory. The .io domain is administered by the Internet Computer … [Read more...]
10 Years Later: A Look at ALL (96) Recorded .ASIA Domain Sales Over Past 5 Years
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 96 "reported" .ASIA domain sales over the last 5 year period. These top 96 total $148,019.00 in sales. The highest reported sales on this list were the domains “” for $10,000.00 with the second as “” for $6,374.00 (Neither of which are developed). .asia is not a country code top-level domain (ccTLD). It is a (sTLD) that is 'intended' for those who have a 'connection' to the region but an actual … [Read more...]
Highest Reported .xxx Domain Sales, Public Sales for Adult Entertainment Industry sTLD
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 20 reported .xxx domain sales since 2011 (when it was first introduced). The total for all 20 is $4,403,428.00 in sales (astronomical for just 20 domains). The highest reported sales on this list were the domains “” for $3,000,000.00 with the second as “” for $500,000.00. Both websites are developed and are live cam sites. .xxx is a sponsored top-level domain (sTLD) which means while available to all, … [Read more...]
New gTLD Domain Sales from Major Marketplaces; What’s Developed?
NEW YORK, NY – Another list is being published today; this one is for new gTLD domain names which have been recorded at NameBio. All off these transactions have taken place over the last five years and this list ONLY contains the sales which are listed at NameBio - there are many hand registered and private or unrecorded domain sales which will not be here. Note: I only examined 100 domains max from each extension, highest dollar amounts first. Here is what I looked … [Read more...]
Top 100 Domain Sales Over Past 5 Years; United Kingdom Domains Sales
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 1,433 reported domain sales over the last 5 year period. These top 100 total $2,744,555.00 in sales. The highest reported sales on this list were the domains “” for $650,000.00 with the second as “” for $158,035.00. appears to be a major furniture retailer and manufacturer and the domain name redirects to Shockingly, is also … [Read more...]
31 Years Later: A Look at the Top 100 .DE Domain Sales Over Past 5 Years
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 3,460 reported .DE domain sales over the last 5 year period. These top 100 total $4,282,897.00 in sales. The highest reported sales on this list were the domains “” for $246,080.00 with the second as “” for $237,474.00. appears to be a major clothing retailer, while (which changed hands several times - latest this year in August) is a coffee company website waiting on further … [Read more...]