MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA - Google's global search engine market share fell below 90% in the final quarter of 2024, marking the first time since 2015 that it has dipped under this threshold. Regional Variations: Competitor Gains: During this period, competitors such as Microsoft Bing, Yandex, and Yahoo experienced slight increases in their market shares. Notably, Microsoft Bing maintained a share of around 3.97% in December 2024. Source: StatCounter Global Stats - … [Read more...]
Lawsuit Alleges GoDaddy “Stole” Domain Name Two Months After Purchase
TEMPE, AZ - A lawsuit filed by Sweden-based Crisby Studio AB alleges that the biggest Internet registrar in the world, GoDaddy, “wrongfully took possession of” a domain name, two months after it had been successfully purchased by the company earlier this year. Crisby Studio AB, a Swedish limited liability company, and Niklas Thorin, a Swedish resident Plaintiffs, v. GoDaddy, Inc., a Delaware corporation,, LLC, a Delaware corporation, … [Read more...]
Over 20,000 Short Premium Domains to Be Released at NamesCon Global 2024
BELLEVUE, WA - Domain name registrar and registry services provider Identity Digital has announced they will be releasing – for first-time availability – over 20,000 short premium domains at NamesCon Global 2024, including hundreds of .vote domains just in time for election season, as well as more than 1,000 one and two-character .info domains. Identity Digital noted that the launch of the Early Access Phase (EAP) for these premium domains is slated to take place … [Read more...]