WEST PALM BEACH, FL – Have you recently noticed your lead forms being filled out with fake information, phone numbers that don't work and/or email addresses that bounce back? Google's Display Network (GDN) and Microsoft's Audience Network (MSAN) both serve ads across a vast number of websites, apps, and video content. While both companies have robust fraud detection systems in place, bot traffic and fraudulent interactions can occur within these networks. Here’s … [Read more...]
First Ever Crime-Fiction Story Based Entirely On An Internet Domain Name Released
PALM BEACH, FL – What do you do with a domain name you can’t sell? Well, one thing you could do is make a book or movie out of it. That is, if you believe the name can grab some attention. Such is what I did with Murder.net, a domain name I scooped up years ago for a few thousand dollars as I thought it was unique. A single generic word .net that is highly searched, but hard to monetize. The reason why selling the domain name for a profit has been unproductive. That’s … [Read more...]
One Less Way to Monetize Your Domains As Chitika Network Plans Shut Down April 30th
WEST PALM BEACH – A popular alternative to Google Adsense has announced it will be shutting its virtual doors on April 30th 2019. Chitika, an online advertising network that grew quickly in popularity after hitting the market in 2004 is shutting down. On Wednesday, April 17, the company sent all publishers an email announcing the pending shut-down: After 15+ years in business and millions of publisher relationships, Chitika is hereby shutting down and closing its business. … [Read more...]
Google “Adds” Additional Layer of Domain Validation Before Monetizing Websites
WEST PALM BEACH – Google AdSense, once the greatest and easiest way to immediately monetize your domain or website, has added an additional layer of validation to the game, by requiring your domain name be approved before allowing you to run ads on them. One of the greatest things about Google AdSense, was, that in the past you could slap your ad code scripts on any web page, and relevant - targeted ads would immediately appear, assigning each click on an ad, to a … [Read more...]
California.com Puts GEO Domains Back on the Map with “Mid-Seven Figure” Sale
NEW YORK, NY – According to Industry news site DNW.com, and a press release, the Iconic US State Name, California.com has been acquired, along with a group of related domain names, in the mid seven figure range. Not bad for a parked domain name. What is truly amazing about this sale, and near-every business broker will spin their head around about, is that the sale is for an asset by itself, a possible business at a great address, with NO BUILT IN REVENUE OR … [Read more...]
Solution for Domainers Who Develop, Have Traffic, Experiencing Revenue Declines
NEW YORK, NY - Anyone who develops website properties can tell you that the best website business you can possibly have is one that isn’t completely dependent on search engines and has a true following. However, there are two factors at play here; one, being, if your site is only receiving traffic from search engines, Google in particular can put a very real-hurtin’ on you in a minute; the other, point two, is that if your site doesn’t have direct advertiser relationships … [Read more...]
How to Become a ‘Rockstar Domainer’ by Developing Your Own Domain Assets
NEW YORK – Unless you have been living in a cave for the last few years, you’ve caught wind that parking your domain names is potentially the worst thing you can do to monetize them. Today, you need to DEVELOP your domain names into real web services to earn realistic profits from them, but development is not always easy, especially if you do not know how to do any of it yourself, as it can be VERY EXPENSIVE. Development involves an ‘idea’, planning, design, development, … [Read more...]
RegistrarStats.com to Shut Down Due to Dwindling Interest? What Say You?
NEW YORK, NY – I received an email the other day about RegistrarStats.com being shut down next month in February (the 19th) and I took special interest in that email notification as I had just used the site the day before to point out some gTLD stats. I never realized that the site was owned by Donuts Inc., but seeing the email notification, it’s pretty obvious. Donuts is a company that has applied for hundreds of new gTLDs and is somehow affording to pay-for and renew at … [Read more...]
NamesCon 2017 Takes Place in Las Vegas, Jan 22 – 25, 2017; Be There or Be, ‘Square’
In just over two weeks the largest domain name conference in the World will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada, from January 22 to January 25. Over 1,400 guests are expected to visit the Tropicana Las Vegas on the south end of the Las Vegas Strip, specifically for NamesCon. The hotel has a 50,000-square-foot casino for night time fun and more than 72,000 square feet of meeting and exhibition space which the event will take great advantage of. Most everyone, who has anything to … [Read more...]