WEST PALM BEACH, FL – Have you recently noticed your lead forms being filled out with fake information, phone numbers that don't work and/or email addresses that bounce back? Google's Display Network (GDN) and Microsoft's Audience Network (MSAN) both serve ads across a vast number of websites, apps, and video content. While both companies have robust fraud detection systems in place, bot traffic and fraudulent interactions can occur within these networks. Here’s … [Read more...]
Domain Days Dubai Set To Take Place At Marriott Resort Palm Jumeirah, Nov 5-6
WEST ASIA - Domain Days Dubai 2024 is set to take place at the Marriott Resort Palm Jumeirah on November 5-6, 2024. This will be the second edition of the event, aimed at professionals in the domain, hosting, and digital asset sectors across the Middle East and Africa. The conference will feature 40 speakers, attracting around 200 attendees from over 100 companies. Key topics will include domain name management, auctions, and monetization strategies, with a special focus on … [Read more...]
ApeCoin Community Endorses Registering .APE as Top-Level Domain with ICANN
PALM BEACH, FL - The ApeCoin community has enthusiastically endorsed a proposal that would involve registering “.APE” as a top-level domain (TLD) with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the nonprofit organization that oversees the domain industry. It is anticipated that ICANN would be motivated to allow .APE to become registered as a TLD, given their stated goal of introducing new generic top level domains by 2026. 91.68 percent … [Read more...]
Thousands of Domain Names Owned by Legitimate Brands Hijacked to Send Spam
TEL AVIV - As part of a sophisticated scheme involving spam proliferation and click monetization, over 8,000 domains and 13,000 sub-domains once owned by major, legitimate brands and institutions have been hijacked to allow millions of spam emails to bypass standard security blocks for nefarious gain. This coordinated malicious activity – dubbed “SubdoMailing” – has been going on since at least September 2022, according to Guardio Labs, the Israeli security … [Read more...]
Google “Adds” Additional Layer of Domain Validation Before Monetizing Websites
WEST PALM BEACH – Google AdSense, once the greatest and easiest way to immediately monetize your domain or website, has added an additional layer of validation to the game, by requiring your domain name be approved before allowing you to run ads on them. One of the greatest things about Google AdSense, was, that in the past you could slap your ad code scripts on any web page, and relevant - targeted ads would immediately appear, assigning each click on an ad, to a … [Read more...]
Will JP Morgan’s Launch of Cryptocurrency Further Squeeze Domain Name Sales?
NEW YORK, NY – It’s been a very interesting few years recently hasn’t it? As if there weren’t enough reasons for your typical domain name investor to diversify his online bets, here comes another big one. Financial powerhouse JP Morgan Chase has announced it will be launching its own cryptocurrency called "JPM Coin" with a fixed rate value of $1. The move solidifies a [sort of] ‘questionable’ industry with instant validity in my opinion as JP Morgan acts as the first major … [Read more...]
Will Internet Remain Safe Place to Invest and Conduct Business in Years to Come?
NEW YORK – Back in 2016, the ICA, (The Internet Commerce Association) asked me a very important question; they asked what I thought would be some of the biggest challenges the domain industry would face in the coming years. While some might answer that question with suggestions about the difficulties new gTLDs may bring toward branding, or monetization strategies with domain parking from declining CPCs, my answer was likely very - very different than most domainers. This … [Read more...]
RegistrarStats.com to Shut Down Due to Dwindling Interest? What Say You?
NEW YORK, NY – I received an email the other day about RegistrarStats.com being shut down next month in February (the 19th) and I took special interest in that email notification as I had just used the site the day before to point out some gTLD stats. I never realized that the site was owned by Donuts Inc., but seeing the email notification, it’s pretty obvious. Donuts is a company that has applied for hundreds of new gTLDs and is somehow affording to pay-for and renew at … [Read more...]
210 Online Tools to Run Your Domain, Development and Online Business
NEW YORK, NY – There are a lot of tools out there which make running your online business more efficient, reliable, secure and productive. Listed below are some of the services I use or have used in the past. They are all great services and are the ones I use currently, or have used in the past (My collection of goodies). This list was updated on 8/3/2024. If I have used an online tool and it makes my work easier, it's here. Domain Names (32) Publishing Resources … [Read more...]
Name Summit Digital Branding Conference; Entrepreneurs, Experts, Domain Enthusiasts
NEW YORK, NY – “NameSummit – The Digital Branding Conference” is just one week away. There will be over 40 speakers, including entrepreneurs, experts and digital branding superstars ready to engage with attendees. Expert panels will discuss leading trends in branding, influence marketing, social media and showcase the continuing evolution of domain names as an important part of powerful branding and advertising campaigns. Below is the updated line-up of experts; an … [Read more...]
Name Summit Conference in New York City Shaping Up to Be “Very Big Event”
Agenda includes long list of Industry Veterans; Live Domain Auction for WallStreet.com; Event Ending with Undisclosed "Presentation for Exclusive Asset Sale" yet to be revealed!! NEW YORK, NY – A few days ago I spoke via telephone (yes, that clunky old device still in use) with some of the people at NameSummit to discuss interesting developments for the upcoming event in New York City which is just weeks away. If you have not yet booked your tickets and stay to New York … [Read more...]
Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Domain Name Events in the United States
LONG ISLAND, NY - The following domain name events are coming up within the next few months and will all be held in the United States (Las Vegas Nevada, NYC New York and Orlando Florida - All fantastic destinations for just about anything you can think of). Whether you are looking to meet new business prospects to grow your revenue, get to meet (in-person) people you ordinarily deal with only online, or you're just looking to get away, domain name events are great places … [Read more...]
Sedo Announces Management Change: Matthias Meyer-Schönherr Appointed CSO
GERMANY - June 8, 2017 – Sedo, the world’s largest domain marketplace and monetization provider is pleased to announce a shift within the Sedo management team. The role of Chief Sales Officer (CSO) Global has been assumed by Sedo and industry veteran, Matthias Meyer-Schönherr. Dima Beitzke, will be stepping down to pursue a new opportunity outside of the domain industry. The management of both the North American and International sales teams will continue from Sedo’s … [Read more...]
Google to Become Judge, Jury and Executioner on Ad Placement
NEW YORK, NY - There are a number of domainers out there that live and die by the sword – that is, the ad placement sword, where they cut and slice up deep rich (or some even thin) content pages with just the right mix of ads, images and content to keep users entertained while the clicks keep coming in. This is how the developer-focused domainer drives revenue on their blogs and net properties, especially since domain parking revenue dried up. That last thing domainers … [Read more...]
SedoMLS Network to Bring up to 18M Premium Domains to 16M+ Customers of Top Registrar 1&1 Internet
March 2nd, 2017 – Sedo, the world’s largest domain marketplace and monetization provider, and 1&1 Internet, the most trusted partner for digital success for small businesses, today announced a partnership that enables 1&1 to offer up to 18 million premium domain names from Sedo’s domain marketplace to its customer base of 16.75 million. The distribution of these premium domain names is made possible by the web’s largest domain distribution network, SedoMLS. 1&1 … [Read more...]