WASHINGTON, D.C. – A multi-jurisdictional operation involving the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and several other law enforcement agencies has resulted in several well-known internet domains being seized that were a part of a major cybercrime ring responsible for hacking and stealing credentials from digital marketplaces. As of Wednesday, the Cracked.io and Nulled.to internet forums – long known as havens for threat actors who engaged in password theft, software … [Read more...]
Creative Use of Domain Name In Action; Not So Great Google Reviews
PALM BEACH, FL - Being that I'm involved in both the marketing and domain industries, I enjoy seeing creative uses of domain names. The other day I snapped this shot from the car when I noticed a company called “Simply Health Care” using a creative domain name “Simply Enroll Now” (SimplyEnrollNow.com) as a landing page. The company, which appears to be called “Simply Healthcare Plans” at (SimplyHealthcarePlans.com) provides consulting services for Medicaid qualified … [Read more...]
How A Domain You Want Could Significantly Reduce in Price Over Time
WEST PALM BEACH, FL - Domain name stories... Sometimes I share them; readers probably like them, who knows? Well yesterday I hand registered RegisterTrademarks.net, a decent domain name if you’re in the business of registering trademarks. For $12.00, I figured what the heck, what do I have to lose outside of $12 bucks. Thanks to my favorite expired domain name website, ExpiredDomains.net, I found it on the drop list. I’ve wasted $12 in a lot worse ways then buying a domain, … [Read more...]
.Club Registry Reports 2019 Domain Sales; Let’s Look at What’s Parked vs Developed
PALM BEACH – It’s always interesting to see what people are purchasing in the domain space, and then even more interesting is to look at how much they've spent and what they’re doing with that acquisition, especially when it comes to the controversial new gTLD space. According to OnlineDomain.com, the “.Club” domain registry folks have reported their 2019 domain sales including a big one namely, "Business.Club" - all of which sales are listed at sold.domains. Let’s … [Read more...]
Google “Adds” Additional Layer of Domain Validation Before Monetizing Websites
WEST PALM BEACH – Google AdSense, once the greatest and easiest way to immediately monetize your domain or website, has added an additional layer of validation to the game, by requiring your domain name be approved before allowing you to run ads on them. One of the greatest things about Google AdSense, was, that in the past you could slap your ad code scripts on any web page, and relevant - targeted ads would immediately appear, assigning each click on an ad, to a … [Read more...]
New gTLD Domain Sales from Major Marketplaces; What’s Developed?
NEW YORK, NY – Another list is being published today; this one is for new gTLD domain names which have been recorded at NameBio. All off these transactions have taken place over the last five years and this list ONLY contains the sales which are listed at NameBio - there are many hand registered and private or unrecorded domain sales which will not be here. Note: I only examined 100 domains max from each extension, highest dollar amounts first. Here is what I looked … [Read more...]
List of 424 New gTLD Domain Names Which Changed Hands This Year (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY - I hate to sound like I am complaining, because no-one asked me to look into this, but I am pretty confident I just inspected the longest list of broken, junk, parked, meaningless web sites I've seen in a single sitting. Long, grueling, and very unrewarding we'll call it - as I've learned not much more than I already suspected before, which is that most of these new gTLD domains seem like hypothetical, wishful-thinking lotto tickets that will likely be bets (or … [Read more...]