NEW YORK, NY - This week a new gTLD sale made the news, not because of its great keyword, but due to its high price and its ending extension. The domain name recently sold for over $200,000.00 at SEDO. This might seem like a domainers dream-sale turning a lucky registrant into an instant success, but it was far from a general availability registration; it was actually a domain name reserved by the registry. So basically, it was, for the most part, a planned … [Read more...]
New Google Search Tactic, Search “Box” Optimization, Making The Rounds
Someone introduced me to a new Internet marketing process yesterday which sounded too good to be true; sort of like Search Engine Optimization, nowadays; not realistic unless your budget is very strong. While looking into it some, I found out that it does make sense and people are in-fact using this process called SBO (Search Box Optimization) and it probably works, but it is considered a "Black-hat" tactic intended to "trick" Google into thinking a particular search term is … [Read more...]
More Than Great Start to Getting Handle on Google’s RankBrain Algorithm
The new Whiteboard Friday from Moz went over RankBrain, Google's new ‘algorithm’ to adjust, its ‘algorithm’. The concept discussed RankBrain being more designed to evaluate the actual query, while the normal algorithm we’re all used to is designed to evaluate the pages which are returned as results. This is why you can't just optimize your pages for keywords and key phrases like the good ole’ days; you need to first determine how "user intent" could effect a query, change … [Read more...]
Most Profitable Keywords for Google AdSense Publishers; Quick Summary on Words, Topics and Interests
The Most Profitable Keywords for Google AdSense Publishers are based on what Google charges its pay-per-click advertisers based on the competition for ads within its Google AdWords program. Here is a quick summary of how the system works. Advertisers who participate in the AdWords Display Network bid money (paid by credit card) to run "Ads" on "Words" and topics for which they would like their advertisements to display around website content when and if that content … [Read more...]
Think You Don’t Need Those Google Sponsored Results? You’re Dead Wrong!
If you thought that sponsored search results on the top of seach engines were just for those who are hard to find or those wanting to increase brand value you are dead wrong. A research study conducted by shows just how inacurate this thought process is. Some key take-away information is below. … [Read more...]