NEW YORK, NY – There is a new trend out there and you won’t notice it by searching Google Trends. No, it’s a quietly growing trend that is not something most people know about. It’s also not something most people will fight for, but the ICA is working on a resolution, and it looks like that resolution can’t come fast enough. Because it is being used by corporate greed mongers who hadn’t thought fast enough; they would like to grow their brands and businesses by stealing what … [Read more...]
Does the Domain Industry Suffer From Own Versions of Trumpted “Fake News” Stories?
NEW YORK, NY – You may have heard the news that a tremendous transaction recently took place. According to TNT Names, Donuts recently sold for $500,000.00. Wow, I missed the boat for sure. I just let drop, crash and burn and lost $10,000.00 to count my chips and walk-away. I probably could have sold it for half-a-million dollars in CASH, or could I? What a mistake that was. Or was it? Considering the fact that this deal reflects the largest … [Read more...]
A Look at the Top Performing “Alternative” Top Level Domain; What’s Up with .XYZ?
NEW YORK, NY - It’s now been near two years from when Google’s new parent company Alphabet Inc. decided to launch their new corporate website on the .xyz domain, naming it It’s also been near two years from when .xyz founder Daniel Negari forecasted that Google’s surprising move would effectively end .Com dominance worldwide. Not much has happened. Aside from the 5.2 million .xyz domain names registered, according to NameStat, it has done nothing but decline since … [Read more...]
Extraordinary Opportunity for Well-Positioned Players; Declining Industry?
NEW YORK, NY – Some companies reap high returns by investing heavily in a declining industry. Others sell out before competitors recognized the decline. Based on some numbers I posted yesterday, there’s no wonder it sparked some chatter back and forth on on whether the overall sales numbers are up or down (when compared to the entire list) or what's causing the decline, or if the decline is even accurate when viewing the entire years data (not just the top … [Read more...]
Episode 128 of Domain Name Wire Features Internet Commerce Board Member
NEW YORK, NY - This week, listening to the Domain Name Wire podcast (Episode #128), not only will you find out all about what’s happening in the domain space recently, but you’ll also have the opportunity to listen to a board member, Zak Muscovitch, discuss what exactly the Internet Commerce Association is and why it exists. “For the Interest of Domain Name Investors and Domain Name Owners” That’s basically what the ICA is, according to Muscovitch. DNW host Andrew … [Read more...]
Show Me The Money: Combined $22M+ in Sales Hiding Behind .com Numeric Domains
I have to admit I know very little about numeric domain names. They never made much sense to me but I know they are very popular in the Chinese market and within the Chinese investment space. The closest I ever came was owning for a short period of time, which I was able to sell with minimal - minimal effort. What I originally thought was a very unusual domain was desired by many. If I remember correctly I sold it for a few thousand dollars nearly a decade ago. With … [Read more...]
Top 100 Highest .org Domain Sales Indicate Strong Interest, Desire by End-Users
As a follow up to yesterday's look at the largest .net domain name sales in history and what use is actually being put towards these domains from end users, .net appears hurting in actual business owner belief in what these domain assets are worth when building a foundation for business. Today, we're looking at .org - and holy smokes is it a different story with .org buyers; many more develop and launch their projects on them. The list below ($6.2 million dollars in domain … [Read more...]
New gTLD? Not So Fast; History Suggests New ‘Right of the Dots’ Could = Total Failure
It's a time where new generic top level domains are taking a lot of the lime-light in domain circles, sales charts, and buzz; but is the entire thing just a huge distraction from what domainers should really be focused on? I stumbled upon a case-in-point scenario that no domainer should ignore, and I cannot believe no-one is talking about it more. It's got me questioning even my own enthusiasm for these new, right of the dots. And please do not get me wrong; I myself have … [Read more...]
Comment Period Closing on .US Premium Domain Name and Privacy Plan Proposals
Now could be a very good time to pick up a few solid .US domain names just in case, or in preparation for, what could become a landslide increase in the use and demand for the domain extension ending in “.us” for the United States. NEW YORK, NY – Neustar, the registry which manages the .us domain name extension, is seeking public comment on a recommendation that it should release one and two character domain names (previously held) as well as consider certain domains as … [Read more...]