BERLIN – Thirteen people were arresting during a raid in Germany on September 27, 2019. According to Brian Krebs, a security journalist and investigative reporter for Krebs on Security, the raid targeted the physical premises of a Dark Web hosting operation that described itself as a “bulletproof” hosting provider that was willing to provide web site hosting services to any business, no matter how illegal or unsavory. This past Friday, 600 military equipped officers … [Read more...]
Today’s ‘Successful’ Business Owners Become Experts at Doing More with Less
NEW YORK, NY – At a time when the economy is said to be continually improving, if you ask around to fellow business owners, most seem to be in a never ending phase of finding ways to efficiently cut costs and reduce expenses. In fact, this is a good practice for any business owner to keep top-of-mind, annually, or even monthly. To do this effectively, you must identify ways to implement change with minimal effect on production, products and service quality. The changes … [Read more...]
Entrepreneurial Inspiration: Jeff Bezos, Amazon and Earth’s “Blue Origin”
NEW YORK, NY - Jeff Bezos, the guy who built and envisioned Amazon, the largest and most successful online only shopping site, isn’t much different than your average entrepreneur. He was raised in Houston Texas, is a child of divorce, was later adopted, worked at McDonald's as a young boy and went on to attend Princeton University where he graduated with a 4.2 grade point average. He is very much human - and - certainly a hard worker. Bezos held several good jobs after … [Read more...]
Why You’ll See Me at the MERGE Digital Asset Conference Again This Year
NEW YORK, NY – I’m happy to report that I will again be visiting beautiful and sunny Orlando Florida this September 14-19 for the Merge Domain Conference, rightfully dubbed the “Merge Digital Asset Conference”. MERGE serves as a five day multi-conference event focused on Digital Assets, Domains, Hosting, E-Commerce, Content Management, Security, Intellectual Property, Stock Photography, UX, Design, Blockchain and Crypo-Currencies and more. To me it’s just another … [Read more...]
How to Become a ‘Rockstar Domainer’ by Developing Your Own Domain Assets
NEW YORK – Unless you have been living in a cave for the last few years, you’ve caught wind that parking your domain names is potentially the worst thing you can do to monetize them. Today, you need to DEVELOP your domain names into real web services to earn realistic profits from them, but development is not always easy, especially if you do not know how to do any of it yourself, as it can be VERY EXPENSIVE. Development involves an ‘idea’, planning, design, development, … [Read more...]
List of Newer “Keyword Rich” gTLD Domains Changing Hands So Far This Year (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY - This is not going to be an all inclusive list as some domain sales go unreported and some I've heard of which are not listed, such as "Homes.Forsale" and "Houses.Forsale", but this will give you a good idea of the types of names changing hands and the types of dots which are building momentum. The following list of gTLDs were listed at NameBio as closing sometime during this year (2017). They are listed in alphabetical order by TLD. The list does not include … [Read more...]
Best Thing Domain Owner, Investor Can Learn Is “Website Development”
NEW YORK, NY - There are a lot of good courses and books out there that will teach you how to buy, sell and/or choose the right domain names to invest in, or how to choose names which have great resale value or those domain names which will stand the test of time, as far as valuation, but one of the greatest things a domain investor or enthusiast can learn is domain name development. The ability to build your own domain name into a full-fledged website could very well be … [Read more...]
Top 89 “Hosting” and “Host” Related Domain Names Sold Over Last 5 Years
NEW YORK, NY – Have a domain name with the word “hosting” or "host" within it? Maybe its worth something, or maybe it isn’t. The following list contains the top 89 domain sales which have taken place within the last 5 years for domain names with the word “hosting” or "host" in the URL. This is for “reported” domain sales according to NameBio. Its good to see what types of domain names sell and which ones don’t and for how much. The majority of these transactions took place … [Read more...]
Basically: How to Make a Good Website from a Domain Name; Layman’s Terms
NEW YORK, NY - Sometimes a simple explanation of how to do something can go a very long way. That is what we are doing this evening, we're going over how the heck to build a website from a simple domain name address. The basics; in layman's terms. First. The first thing you want to do with your project is to pick a good domain name. You want to pick a domain name with keywords related to whatever it is that you are building. For instance, if you were building a … [Read more...]
EFTY: Your Own Domain Store Without Having to Build It Yourself; Seems Good
NEW YORK, NY - About a week or so ago I signed up for an EFTY ( 30-day trial account to test the platform as a way to have a domain store for some of the domains I would like to eventually sell. I already tried SEDO to sell names as well as and some other places too but what I found interesting about EFTY was the store portion of the platform - and it is responsive (mobile friendly). As a side-note: Back in the old days when the … [Read more...]
Majority of Top 100 Highest .net Domain Sales of All Time Just Going to Waste
Looking at the top 100 (reported) highest priced .net domain name sales of all time it is pretty clear to see that the majority of them are not even being used; what a shame. The list below ($8.8 million dollars in domain sales) illustrates how the majority of people buying .net domains over the years are either investors or those who feel that these premium .net domains are not worth building a foundation on. The great majority of these .net domains either redirect, are … [Read more...]
List of (58) Dealership Web Site Hosting Companies; Site Providers, Export Services
NEW YORK, NY - Below is a list of auto dealer website companies which provide websites, hosting and export services. A few are Canadian providers while all others focus on United States dealerships. These companies can not only build, host and provide your website, but they also have the ability to export your inventory to various third party shopping sites. … [Read more...]