NEW YORK, NY – If you have become accustomed to following my Internet ramblings, you’ll have heard me talking about overall declining Google Traffic and the heavily improving Facebook referrals I see while monitoring websites. Today, I figured I would share an example with you, because often ‘images speak louder than words’, and while I find myself with some extra time today, why not share a screenshot? If you are not yet focusing your efforts on Facebook and are still … [Read more...]
Wouldn’t You Gladly Give-up a Little Bit of Privacy for So Much Better Security?
NEW YORK, NY – Imagine a World in which you allowed, or even specifically created your own little environment where all of your private communications and discussions could be monitored and recorded; all day, every day, till the end of time. Sounds like something you would never do? Welcome to Google Assistant; ready to help you wherever you are. Your one Assistant extends to help you across devices, like Google Home, your phone, and more. Who owns Google these days … [Read more...]
This Take Action Social Movement Platform Just Might Launch gTLDs into “Dot Space”
NEW YORK, NY – Every once in a while I see a real stand-out domain in the new gTLD space and that's what happened last night when I came across an organization called HARNESS, with its address ( being utilized in a great way, and to an audience likely to not care much what-in-the-world the ending dot is; it’s the organization that matters, and its purpose. While passionate lovers of this organizations' mission won’t care either way what the new dot address … [Read more...]
Google’s Got Something Facebook Doesn’t; Weather-based Campaign Management
NEW YORK, NY – The war is on as Google and Facebook aggressively fight for businesses ad dollars, yet for the first time in a while, Google’s got something Facebook probably has not even thought about (yet) and that’s Weather-based Campaign Management. Facebook likely has better targeting with people’s true interests due to the ridiculous of amount of data people share with Facebook, but this weather based targeting sounds pretty interesting. Now you can increase or … [Read more...]
If I Had Just Started With Domain Names Today, I Don’t Think I Would Make It
NEW YORK, NY – When I started in this industry it was the year 2000. The Internet looked very different than it does today, and people were just starting to get acquainted with Google. Search engine optimization was a lot easier to do with most people not having even heard of the term “SEO”. Back then, as a website owner, you were able to take advantage of certain techniques which could easily put you ahead of the majority. Compared to today, there was little competition … [Read more...]
False Narrative: The Never Ending Battle to Steal Your ‘Free and Open Internet’
NEW YORK - Media mogul Rupert Murdoch is suggesting that Facebook pay news organizations for the stories posted on its platform. How typical. Rather than news organizations having to innovate to keep up and remain relevant, competitive and profitable, just steal from others innovation. There has been a lot of buzz lately about fake news stories being found on Facebook and Google and traditional media is passing the blame onto these websites for allowing people to share and … [Read more...]
The “Super Secret” to Appraising Your .com Domain Name for 2018 and Beyond
NEW YORK, NY - There have been many changes over the last five years when it comes to Internet domain names. I will say that this pertains to the average domain (web address), not so much a super-premium domain name, but your average .com two or three word domain name. For the most part, pricing has gone down, for whatever reason. Some changes you may have noticed such as: The EMD Penalty: Where Google will not simply rank the domain at the top of search for its exact … [Read more...] to Shut Down Due to Dwindling Interest? What Say You?
NEW YORK, NY – I received an email the other day about being shut down next month in February (the 19th) and I took special interest in that email notification as I had just used the site the day before to point out some gTLD stats. I never realized that the site was owned by Donuts Inc., but seeing the email notification, it’s pretty obvious. Donuts is a company that has applied for hundreds of new gTLDs and is somehow affording to pay-for and renew at … [Read more...]
Watching Businesses “Begin” with Google
It’s not always about the money, some entrepreneurs might tell you… It’s about the thrill of making ‘Something’ out of ‘Nothing’. Cars Digital Inc. - Dealer Lead Generation & Automotive Advertising Cars Digital Inc. is an automotive subsidiary company of Long Island Media Inc., a certified CDK Global Partner, registered BBB Company and Google Certified Agency. The mission of Cars Digital is to develop proprietary tools and … [Read more...]
Top 100 Domain Sales for Names Containing the Word “News” Past 5 Years (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY - News is a hot commodity these days, especially with the birth and buzz around Fake News turning elections. Fundamental change is what's happening out there in the News content landscape, and its especially influential when powered by syndication giants such as Bing News and Google News, who make stories reach thousands - quick. Yep, just about anyone with a good writing educate, great looking site and/or a cool looking domain name can find themselves nearly … [Read more...]
Should You Support Net Neutrality? Yes or No? Internet Content Discrimination
Layman Terms: Net Neutrality rules prevent "Internet Content Discrimination" NEW YORK, NY - There are probably many people out there who hear about this Net Neutrality debate and do not know which way to lean on the issue, or they are simply not sure if they would be better off supporting it, or if they would be getting duped if they didn't. I wanted to details some very simple examples of what the Internet would be like with no Net Neutrality, which we do … [Read more...]
Search Engine Optimization (“SEO”) for “CEOs” – ln Layman’s Terms
NEW YORK, NY - About twelve years ago when “search engine optimization” was beginning to get popular, a competing news publisher invited me to lunch at his restaurant to brainstorm about collaborating. It never materialized, but while there and after getting to know each other for a little while, he then turned to me, changed his posture in his chair a bit, sort of gathered his thoughts, and asked me straight out, “sell me on search engine optimization”, “what is it” and “how … [Read more...]
I’m Going Save Lots of Money on My Domains; Here’s How You’ll Save Too
NEW YORK – Unless you have been living under a virtual rock for the last year or so, you should be well aware that the “Google Gods” will be forcing everyone to secure their websites with SSL Certificates or an ugly message will appear on-top of browsers letting users know that the site their visiting sucks-ass (I know, I'm stretching here) and shouldn’t be trusted as much as some other sites around the web. I call them Google Gods, because they maintain that … [Read more...]
A Look at the Top Performing “Alternative” Top Level Domain; What’s Up with .XYZ?
NEW YORK, NY - It’s now been near two years from when Google’s new parent company Alphabet Inc. decided to launch their new corporate website on the .xyz domain, naming it It’s also been near two years from when .xyz founder Daniel Negari forecasted that Google’s surprising move would effectively end .Com dominance worldwide. Not much has happened. Aside from the 5.2 million .xyz domain names registered, according to NameStat, it has done nothing but decline since … [Read more...]
Greatest Benefits of New gTLDs is PR, Temporary “Buzz Factor” “Link Equity”
NEW YORK, NY – A long time ago, say, 8-10 years ago, to effectively market a website on the Internet you needed to know how to do some very basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and you needed to acquire lots of inbound links to your site – from just about anywhere you could find them, and when you understood this and utilized it, you could reap tremendous reward from search engine traffic. This is because if you simply acquired or purchased enough inbound links to your … [Read more...]