FORT LAUDERDALE, FL - Last week I had the pleasure of visiting the South Florida Domainers meetup which took place in Fort Lauderdale, at the Sistrunk Marketplace & Brewery, an interesting place in the heart of South Florida with a large variety of beers and international cuisine to experience. As you may have read about it in, the local shindig was mainly orchestrated by Eddie Sixto with some help by other industry veterans, some of which I met for the … [Read more...]
PII Of Up To 4.6 Million Neiman Marcus Customers Potentially Exposed In Breach
PALM BEACH, FL - On Thursday, September 30, 2021, luxury department store Neiman Marcus announced that about 4.6 million of its customers may have had their personally identifiable information or PII compromised in a data breach that occurred in May 2020. The personal information stolen in the breach varied and may have included names and contact information, payment card numbers and expiration dates including virtual gift card numbers. Worse, the cyber-thieves may have … [Read more...]
Domain Name Investing, Alt Extensions Gets Highlight on Southeast News Stations
TENNESSEE - Jamey Tucker is a local television news technology journalist who created a segment called “What the Tech?” over 20 years ago. Tuckers’ segments include tech tips, tricks, gadgets, and news with one this month focused on digital real estate on the internet with websites. The recent segment included a spotlight on the $3.1 Million Sale of by the Castello Brothers as an example of how much money changes hands for those who snap up catchy names in the … [Read more...]
Great Search Engine, Strange Web URL; Two Years Later, “” Still Just Redirects
PALM BEACH, FL – A couple of days ago I looked up and saw a highway sign and thought to myself, 'great search engine, horrible name.' That was after seeing a sign off I-95, in West Palm Beach, Florida advertising what is a better search engine then Bing and Yahoo, but still far less use. Also sort of odd, there was no web URL on the sign. Back in 2018, the domain name “” was seen to have changed hands according to domain registrar details pointed out by domain … [Read more...]
Are You Losing Backlink Credit or Traffic from Your Forwarded Domain Names?
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – There are many reasons why you might want to forward a domain name; you might have moved your website, you own multiple domain names, or you purchase domain names which have existing traffic or backlinks. If you do not forward your domain name correctly, you could be losing backlink credit and/or traffic. Here are some scenarios to forward your domain name properly. The Simple Easy Way (Free and Doesn't Require Hosting) If you have your domains … [Read more...]
GOOG To Follow FB With Restrictions On Housing, Employment, and Credit Ads
WEST PALM BEACH, FL - Usually Google is a leader in all things advertising, however, a recent update to policy by GOOG (NASDAQ) will have it following Facebook (FB) where the ad giant will implement new targeting restrictions which could lead to 'societal biases' which have been in place by Facebook for some time now. In a message to advertisers, Google laid out the changes in an email notification letting advertisers know that the changes will be implemented effective … [Read more...]
Google Moves for More Control of World’s News with Major Google Play Update
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – Something remarkably interesting has been happening behind the scenes which very few have noticed, however, one firm who has not missed the quickly changing landscape, is information hoarder and narrative controller, Google. Over the last year or so, quietly brewing behind the scenes, has been Google’s loss of control of a growing percentage of the world’s news. Yes, you read that right. It's been a pretty-amazing transition. Here is how it works (or … [Read more...] Gets A New Cover for “Explicit Content, Reader Reviews,” #Creepy
PALM BEACH, FL – Back in January of this year, I released “ - Countdown to The Next Nightmare: The First Fiction Horror Story Based Entirely On An Internet Domain Name.” What started out as just a way to make a cool domain name, well - a little cooler, is being improved upon for retail sale as I finally get around to the grueling marketing process which includes production in multiple formats (Print), (Kindle) (Audio-book) and sending copies out to review … [Read more...]
Domainer? Here’s One “Hyphenated” Domain Success Story You Will Enjoy
PALM BEACH, FL – Way – way back in 2008, I suggested one of my clients purchase the domain name, I usually steer clear of hyphenated domain names because they clearly do not pass the radio test. Who wants to tell someone to visit their website address with a dash in it? Probably no one, and especially not me. But in this circumstance, I figured the domain name would likely rank well for the term “NNN Properties” which are commercial investment … [Read more...]
Google Ads to Require Verification, But Implementation Will Take Years They Say
PALM BEACH, FL – According to the horse’s mouth, the Google Ads advertising program, responsible for about 40% of the total advertising seen online, will be rolling out a new feature which will allow users to see exactly who is behind an advertisement, while requiring businesses to verify their legal status in their state through documentation such as articles of incorporation, in order to purchase ads throughout the platforms reach. The move, in my opinion, is late in the … [Read more...]
From $132 to $100M: Was The Smartest Domain Name Grab Ever?
NEW YORK, NY – Back in April of 1996, Dane Madsen registered, an idea that popped into his mind after being demanded to come up with ad-copy for one of his firms clients, Sprint, who was rushing to be included in the next issue of the print Yellow Pages book; back then if you missed the deadline, you needed to wait an entire year for your business to seemingly exist. At about the same time, Dan was told about a company called “Network Solutions”, which … [Read more...]
Domain Name ‘Bill of Rights’ Proposed by Global Domain Name Registrar Uniregistry
NEW YORK, NY – This past week, the man who virtually created the Internet, Tim Berners-Lee, spoke about his “Contract for the Web” initiative; something he believes is fundamental to ensure a protected, free and open Internet for all of society. Early backers of the initiative, which can be viewed at, include notable support from some of the webs largest innovators such as,, Craig Newmark (Founder of, the W3C … [Read more...]
Human Quality Ratings and Guidelines Continue to Become Center of Debate
NEW YORK, NY – It’s nothing short of amazing to see all of the time, money, resources and effort search giant Google engineers are putting towards accessing the trustworthiness of specific web-pages these days. I remember when the entire Google algorithm was simply based on the HTML code which made up a website. However, these days Google uses not only artificial intelligence to rank sites, but they also use 'real people' to give websites something called “QR” ratings … [Read more...]
Alphabet Releases App to Prevent DNS Manipulation, Deter Online Censorship
NEW YORK, - Google’s Alphabet has released a new Android app called “Intra” which prevents “DNS manipulation”, a process used often by ISPs to redirect invalid domain name resolution to their own version of branded search results, usually accompanied by search engine ads – when used nefariously, it is also a tactic of hackers who steal and redirect users to phishing sites or to otherwise dupe them into downloading viruses and spyware. The app is made available by a company … [Read more...]
Two New Alternative URLs Hit Superhighway
NEW YORK, NY – If you’re looking around for a few good ways to confuse new prospective customers, you’ve got two new great opportunities to completely derail even your best marketing efforts; .LUXE and .PAGE new gTLDs have just worked their way into the mix. Minds + Machines, the company behind .LUXE domain names, which are intended to serve the Ethereum, blockchain and security industry, has released the .LUXE domain which opens for general availability on November 6, … [Read more...]