REDMOND, WA - Cybersecurity experts have noted a large increase in the number of phishing attacks recently as hackers have been altering their attack avenues in order to work their way around increasingly complex email security systems designed to circumvent their efforts. Both the volume and complexity of malicious emails have been on the rise and are proving to be increasingly able to bypass Secure Email Gateways (SEGs) such as Microsoft and Proofpoint, according … [Read more...]
Popular Question: “If I Build My Website on Shopify Who Owns My Website?”
FLORIDA: I get this question quite often and it's pretty important to know the difference. I've discussed a bunch of similar issues with domain and site ownership in my book Mastering Your Website. If I build my website on Shopify who owns my website? Technically, you will own the website you build on Shopify, even though Shopify provides the platform and tools to create and run it. The keyword here is platform. Here's a breakdown: It's important to distinguish … [Read more...]