PALM BEACH, FL - A four-letter “.com” domain name has been purchased for the staggering price of $15 million dollars. was first registered approximately 18 years ago, likely for $10.00 or $20.00. Who knew that the letters “NFTS” would become a four-letter acronym for “non-fungible tokens,” - unique cryptographic tokens? Four letter domains, often referred to as "LLLL" domains, are relatively scarce. There are roughly 457,000 possible four-letter combinations and … [Read more...]
Top 100 Domain Sales of First Three Quarters of 2019 via
PALM BEACH, FL - Two very notable sales which took place this year (2019) include, for a record-breaking $30 million (largest domain sale in history) and GEO domain name, which sold for $3 million, the largest U.S. GEO domain sale in history. Here is how the rest of the batch looked for the first three quarters. The domains sales are those listed at, a site which keeps track of, and records publicly reported sales. Keep in mind that … [Read more...]
Someone Caught Great Deal at Flippa; How Is This Domain Venue Performing for You?
NEW YORK, NY - Someone landed a fantastic deal on Flippa this weekend. Amazingly, I lost the auction despite my accidental astronomical one-too-many zero’s high-bid. I’m not going to mention what domain it was (to avoid any politics on the issue), [all luck to the winner who got a great deal] but the domain name was a single word .com highly-commercial term with an Estibot well over $200,000.00 and it sold for about 9 percent of that. Not a .net domain selling for 9%, but … [Read more...]
If I Had Just Started With Domain Names Today, I Don’t Think I Would Make It
NEW YORK, NY – When I started in this industry it was the year 2000. The Internet looked very different than it does today, and people were just starting to get acquainted with Google. Search engine optimization was a lot easier to do with most people not having even heard of the term “SEO”. Back then, as a website owner, you were able to take advantage of certain techniques which could easily put you ahead of the majority. Compared to today, there was little competition … [Read more...]