NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $75,000.00 USD, the top ccTLD as at 9,999 EUR ($11,918.31 US) and the top other as at $7,500.00 USD. Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 08/28/2017 – 09/03/2017. Domain … [Read more...]
US Fortune 500 Businesses, Their Domain Name Characteristics, and Secure Status
NEW YORK, NY - Each year Fortune Magazine publishes a list of the largest companies in the United States by revenue. Below is the list for 2016. Also below, are some interesting characteristics of their domain name choices including whether or not these companies are prepared for SSLs on their corporate websites. 494 are using .com domain names, 4 use .nets, 1 .org, and 1 .xyz. 494 (98.8%) have chosen the ".com" extension for their domain name. 235 (47%) are running … [Read more...]
I’m Going Save Lots of Money on My Domains; Here’s How You’ll Save Too
NEW YORK – Unless you have been living under a virtual rock for the last year or so, you should be well aware that the “Google Gods” will be forcing everyone to secure their websites with SSL Certificates or an ugly message will appear on-top of browsers letting users know that the site their visiting sucks-ass (I know, I'm stretching here) and shouldn’t be trusted as much as some other sites around the web. I call them Google Gods, because they maintain that … [Read more...]
Top 100 .com Domain Name Sales with “Loan” in the URL (of All Time – NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 879 reported .com domain sales for domains containing the word "Loan". The highest reported sales were the domains “” for $3,000,000.00 with the second place name as “” for $1,000,000.00. Below are the top 100 .com domain name sales with "Loan" in the URL reflecting $5,482,806.00 in … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 08/07/2017 – 08/13/2017
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at 47,000 USD, the top ccTLD as at 45,000 USD and the top other as at 4,500 USD. Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 08/07/2017 – 08/13/2017. Domain … [Read more...]
Domainers: Emergency Funding Needed in Appeal Process
NEW YORK, NY - If you have been watching and reading within domain name news and commentary circles for the last few months, you’re probably aware of the atrocity taking place where Heidi Powell, a senior city resident of Washington, is VIGEROUSLY fighting to keep rights to her own domain name, registered since 2005, and an exact match of her actual name, “Heidi Powell” Many domain enthusiasts, including myself, have come to the aid of Mr. and Mrs. Powell by … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 07/31/2017 – 08/06/2017
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at 43,000 EUR ($50,800.00 US), the top ccTLD as at 13,560.00 US and the top other as $6,200.00. Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 07/31/2017 – 08/06/2017. Domain … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 07/24/2017 – 07/30/2017
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $35,000.00 US, the top ccTLD as at 10,000 US and the top other as $3,327 GBP ($4,393.30 US) Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 07/24/2017 – 07/30/2017. Domain … [Read more...]
Name Summit Digital Branding Conference; Entrepreneurs, Experts, Domain Enthusiasts
NEW YORK, NY – “NameSummit – The Digital Branding Conference” is just one week away. There will be over 40 speakers, including entrepreneurs, experts and digital branding superstars ready to engage with attendees. Expert panels will discuss leading trends in branding, influence marketing, social media and showcase the continuing evolution of domain names as an important part of powerful branding and advertising campaigns. Below is the updated line-up of experts; an … [Read more...]
“ShoeBuy” Becomes “Shoes” – Walmart Maximizes Domain Acquired in $9M Deal
NEW YORK, NY - Back in April I wrote about the “Category Killer Domain” which was acquired in a $9M transaction by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Today, it looks like that investment is being put into good-use by retail giant Wal-Mart. The transaction began in late March of this year and by April 29th 2017, according to the website, began redirecting to (according to the April 29th 2017) … [Read more...]
Top 100 .US (United States ccTLD) Domain Name Sales Over Past 5 Years (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 834 reported .us domain sales over the past 5 years. The highest reported sales were the domains “” for $150,000.00 with the second place name as “” for $20,200.00. Below are the top 100 .us domain sales which reflect $685,368.00 in sales. Domain Price Date Venue $ 150,000.00 5/23/2015 Uniregistry $ 20,200.00 4/10/2013 $ … [Read more...]
Infographic: Domain Retail Sales Prices; Name Ninja Setting ‘Right Expectations’
NEW YORK, NY - Every once in a while I will promote an Infographic if I feel it ads value to the discussion. Here is a past one on conversions. This infographic below was created by Name Ninja with information from a site I use and reference often, NameBio, for its data on domain sales history. Name Ninja is a strategic domain name acquisition consultancy firm which helps customers acquire the best name for their project. As most people know, most if not all .com domain … [Read more...]
Iowa Man, 43, Faces Life in Prison for Armed Robbery of Domain Name, Kidnapping
IOWA - According to British technology news website “The Register” a 43 year-old man broke into a house in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, last month armed with a gun and a fearless intent to hijack a “valuable” Internet domain name. The incident took place in the middle of the afternoon (about 1PM) on June 21st, 2017. Domain name theft has been something all too common in the digital world, but until now, has been, for the most part, a crime carried out over the Internet, in forums, … [Read more...]
Name Summit Conference in New York City Shaping Up to Be “Very Big Event”
Agenda includes long list of Industry Veterans; Live Domain Auction for; Event Ending with Undisclosed "Presentation for Exclusive Asset Sale" yet to be revealed!! NEW YORK, NY – A few days ago I spoke via telephone (yes, that clunky old device still in use) with some of the people at NameSummit to discuss interesting developments for the upcoming event in New York City which is just weeks away. If you have not yet booked your tickets and stay to New York … [Read more...]
21 Years Later: Look at the Top 100 .TV Domain Sales Over Past 5 Years
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 859 reported .TV domain sales over the last 5 year period. These top 100 total $1,461,847.00 in sales. The highest reported sales on this list were the domains “USA.TV” for $125,000.00 with the second place name as “SC.TV” for $40,000.00. is parked at Uniregistry, while SC.TV is redirected to The domain is popular because it is an abbreviation of the word television, but its … [Read more...]