NEW YORK, NY - Earlier this year I gathered a list of top sales from NameBio for the .net extension. This list requires an update as Uniregistry released sales numbers which contain some very impressive sales for domains (NameBio added the entire list to its database yesterday). Listed below is an updated record of .net domain names which have been reported publicly and have closed this year reflecting $1,068,769.00 in sales. I've been watching single word .net … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 09/11/2017 – 09/17/2017
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $25,000.00 USD, the top ccTLD as at 11,000 EUR ($13,192.85 US) and the top other as at $2,868.00 USD. Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 09/11/2017 – 09/17/2017. Domain … [Read more...]
‘Toys R Us’ Should Shut Retail Operation, Rebrand as “” Before Too Late
NEW YORK, NY – Year after year Toy giant and massive retailer “Toys R Us” finds itself in a difficult situation fast becoming worse. According to Bloomberg, the company is about to file Bankruptcy and it could come as soon as today. Toys R Us has been trying to keep up with online retailers such as Amazon and discount stores such as Wal-Mart whom have already out-maneuvered them by far building large bustling online operations, something Toys R Us has been struggling to … [Read more...]
Last Day for ICA Members to Book MERGE Conference at Tremendous Discount
NEW YORK, NY – It looks like my Internet Commerce Association (ICA) membership (individual level) just paid for itself for the entire year. Yep, that’s how good the discount is for ICA members who want to attend the “MERGE” conference next month. MERGE will take place in Orlando from Saturday Oct 14, 2017 to Wednesday Oct 18, 2017 at Marriott's Orlando World Center, 8701 World Center Drive, Orlando, Florida. If you are a member reach out to your contact at ICA for how … [Read more...]
Verisign Releases 2017 Second Quarter Industry Brief on Domain Name Market
NEW YORK, NY – In an endless sea of opinions (I admit, including my own) it is great to look at meaningful data when it comes to where our industry is going as far as growth, innovation and trends. If you would like to read-over the Verisign’s 2017 Second Quarter Industry report, it is online here (PDF). Some key takeaways: .com registrations are up to 129.2 million. .net and .org are still major players, but in number of registrations, far behind ccTLDs such as … [Read more...]
List of 424 New gTLD Domain Names Which Changed Hands This Year (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY - I hate to sound like I am complaining, because no-one asked me to look into this, but I am pretty confident I just inspected the longest list of broken, junk, parked, meaningless web sites I've seen in a single sitting. Long, grueling, and very unrewarding we'll call it - as I've learned not much more than I already suspected before, which is that most of these new gTLD domains seem like hypothetical, wishful-thinking lotto tickets that will likely be bets (or … [Read more...]
Phishing: Watch-out for New Dangerous Godaddy Email Phishing Attempt
NEW YORK, NY - This is just a quick reminder to remain vigilant of all sorts of threats from hackers, email-spoofers, phishers and scammers; you can never let your guard down these days when it comes to your accounts, financial information and especially your domain accounts, because loss of your domain name can be loss of your business and will likely be permanent. Just this week news broke about an Equifax hack that hit credit histories of up to 143 million … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 08/28/2017 – 09/03/2017
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $75,000.00 USD, the top ccTLD as at 9,999 EUR ($11,918.31 US) and the top other as at $7,500.00 USD. Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 08/28/2017 – 09/03/2017. Domain … [Read more...]
US Fortune 500 Businesses, Their Domain Name Characteristics, and Secure Status
NEW YORK, NY - Each year Fortune Magazine publishes a list of the largest companies in the United States by revenue. Below is the list for 2016. Also below, are some interesting characteristics of their domain name choices including whether or not these companies are prepared for SSLs on their corporate websites. 494 are using .com domain names, 4 use .nets, 1 .org, and 1 .xyz. 494 (98.8%) have chosen the ".com" extension for their domain name. 235 (47%) are running … [Read more...]
What Do You See Here? Top 10 Legacy Domain Name Sales Over Last Few Years
NEW YORK, NY - Thanks to sites such as Namebio, we can examine REPORTED domain name sales over the years in just about any order or scenario. Today I wanted to look at the top 10 domain name sales over the last few years for legacy and some popular domain extensions. They are listed here twice; once accounting for only characters in the domain and then again for those including numeric and dashes. There has been some changes in the investments from foreign countries such as … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 08/21/2017 – 08/27/2017
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $15,000.00 USD, the top ccTLD as at 11,900 EUR ($14,252.04 US) and the top other as at $10,000.00 USD. Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 08/21/2017 – 08/27/2017. Domain … [Read more...]
Top 100 .com Domain Name Sales with “Loan” in the URL (of All Time – NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY – According to NameBio, there were a total of 879 reported .com domain sales for domains containing the word "Loan". The highest reported sales were the domains “” for $3,000,000.00 with the second place name as “” for $1,000,000.00. Below are the top 100 .com domain name sales with "Loan" in the URL reflecting $5,482,806.00 in … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 08/14/2017 – 08/20/2017
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $36,600.00 USD, the top ccTLD as at 18,000 EUR ($21,164.67 US) and the top other as at $10,000.00 USD. Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 08/14/2017 – 08/20/2017. Domain … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 08/07/2017 – 08/13/2017
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at 47,000 USD, the top ccTLD as at 45,000 USD and the top other as at 4,500 USD. Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 08/07/2017 – 08/13/2017. Domain … [Read more...]
Domainers: Emergency Funding Needed in Appeal Process
NEW YORK, NY - If you have been watching and reading within domain name news and commentary circles for the last few months, you’re probably aware of the atrocity taking place where Heidi Powell, a senior city resident of Washington, is VIGEROUSLY fighting to keep rights to her own domain name, registered since 2005, and an exact match of her actual name, “Heidi Powell” Many domain enthusiasts, including myself, have come to the aid of Mr. and Mrs. Powell by … [Read more...]