NEW YORK, NY – There is a new trend out there and you won’t notice it by searching Google Trends. No, it’s a quietly growing trend that is not something most people know about. It’s also not something most people will fight for, but the ICA is working on a resolution, and it looks like that resolution can’t come fast enough. Because it is being used by corporate greed mongers who hadn’t thought fast enough; they would like to grow their brands and businesses by stealing what … [Read more...]
Remove Other TLDs from Equation and NamesCon 2018 Still Reflects ‘Great’ Year
NEW YORK, NY - This morning I wanted to look at the live auction results for NamesCon over the last three years, what's on record at NameBio, which is here. That list showed that not only was there a slight rebound in total domain sales this year, but that the 2018 live auction netted the largest dollar amount total over the three year period. It also showed that the percentage of transactions for .com domains grew over the period with 56% being .com in 2016, 63% in 2017, … [Read more...]
Last Three Years of NamesCon Live Auction Shows Slight Rebound in Average Prices
NEW YORK, NY - Looking at the last three years of NamesCon live auction sales totals shows a slight bump in domain prices from last year. Even without 2018's leading sale,, which sold for $900,000.00, the numbers still look pretty decent. Below are the last three years of domain name sales from the live auction results, according to Along with those sales and sales prices is the average sale price without each auctions top performing domain for that … [Read more...]
This Take Action Social Movement Platform Just Might Launch gTLDs into “Dot Space”
NEW YORK, NY – Every once in a while I see a real stand-out domain in the new gTLD space and that's what happened last night when I came across an organization called HARNESS, with its address ( being utilized in a great way, and to an audience likely to not care much what-in-the-world the ending dot is; it’s the organization that matters, and its purpose. While passionate lovers of this organizations' mission won’t care either way what the new dot address … [Read more...]
CBS News Offers Readers ‘Bad Advice’ in 6 Best Practices for Choosing a Domain
NEW YORK, NY – Usually when you read an article in Google News, you expect it to give you some good advice, especially when it is a reputable news website. That’s not what happened today when Google News led me to question whether or not I was even on a real news website. Rather than focusing so much on cleaning up Facebook and Twitter, maybe Google should check their own inclusion practices. The article is on CBS News Detroit and it is called “6 Best Practices for Choosing … [Read more...]
If I Had Just Started With Domain Names Today, I Don’t Think I Would Make It
NEW YORK, NY – When I started in this industry it was the year 2000. The Internet looked very different than it does today, and people were just starting to get acquainted with Google. Search engine optimization was a lot easier to do with most people not having even heard of the term “SEO”. Back then, as a website owner, you were able to take advantage of certain techniques which could easily put you ahead of the majority. Compared to today, there was little competition … [Read more...]
How to Become a ‘Rockstar Domainer’ by Developing Your Own Domain Assets
NEW YORK – Unless you have been living in a cave for the last few years, you’ve caught wind that parking your domain names is potentially the worst thing you can do to monetize them. Today, you need to DEVELOP your domain names into real web services to earn realistic profits from them, but development is not always easy, especially if you do not know how to do any of it yourself, as it can be VERY EXPENSIVE. Development involves an ‘idea’, planning, design, development, … [Read more...]
Final Day for NameJet, Right of the Dot, NamesCon 2018 Online Auction
NEW YORK, NY – Good deals and little time is left for the NamesCon, NameJet, and Right of the Dot live auction which began in Las Vegas. Most if not all auctions end within a few hours from now which puts both the East and West coast of the United States in the game to grab some deals by this afternoon. There are a good number of domains that are still showing no reserve and have no bids, so this is an opportunity to grab some names which there will be little fighting … [Read more...]
Will People Use Alternative Domain Names Like They Do Toll Free Phone Numbers?
NEW YORK - Much like .com domain names, 1-800 toll free phone numbers with meaning in their letters such as 1-800-FLOWERS, are hard to come by these days – or even impossible to obtain, based on limited supply. Although it is indeed possible to get a 1-800 phone number today, if you’re looking for a vanity number, such as one with clear meaning in its letters, you’re much more likely to get it using an alternative such as 888. This is very much what we are seeing today … [Read more...]
It’s Here: NamesCon Officially Starts Tomorrow at the Tropicana in Las Vegas
LAS VEGAS, NV – The long anticipated NamesCon event begins tomorrow with its 11:00 am - 11:45 am "Welcome to NamesCon" photo and session. Domain enthusiasts from around the world have begun rolling in since this morning, myself included. The event is taking place at the Tropicana, which is one of the first hotels on the Las Vegas strip located on the east corner of Tropicana Boulevard. Known as the largest Domain Name Conference in the United States (maybe the world), … [Read more...]
Winners and Losers; A Look at “Digital” Domains; Prices Over Last 10 Years
NEW YORK – With each passing day we are living and working in more of a 'digital' world. One of my latest companies is called "Cars Digital Inc." It is a digital advertising agency which focuses on lead generation specifically for car dealers. That's why today we are looking at domain name price changes over time for all URLs that changed hands at least twice over the past 10 years (22,065 publicly, those on record at NameBio) that also included the word "Digital". Thanks … [Read more...]
After 18 Years of UDRP, ICA Says, Time for Discussion, Re-evaluation, Improvements
NEW YORK – Back in 1999, ICANN adopted the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (“UDRP”) and its related Rules (the "UDRP Rules") for the resolution of certain limited kinds of domain name disputes between registrants and third parties, i.e. abusive registration of domain names, otherwise known as “cybersquatting”, which is the practice of registering a domain name in bad faith. The ICA, (“The Internet Commerce Association”) believes that although the UDRP process has largely … [Read more...]
Winners and Losers; A Look at 3 Letter (LLL) Domain Investments Over Last 10 Years
NEW YORK – Three letter .com domain names are pretty solid investments. They are often referred to as “liquid domains” – those which can be converted into cash quickly. Thanks to NameBio, it’s easy to see that the majority of three letter domain names which have changed hands at least twice in the last 10 years, (publicly, those available at NameBio), have made their traders profits. Although there are some losses on record here, the majority, 68% (194) of all 286 … [Read more...] Releases Weekly Domain Name Sales List 01/08/2018 – 01/14/2018
NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $35,000.00 US, the top ccTLD as at $10,000.00 US and the top other as at $5,000.00 US. Here is the entire list for sales from 01/08/2018 – 01/14/2018. Domain … [Read more...]
ICA Full Speed Ahead: Can UDRP Be Used to Steal Your Domain Name After 20 Years?
NEW YORK, NY – As the saying goes, actions [always] speak louder than words. I came across some material today on Circle ID that certainly merits some highlighting; reason being, all domainers should know about it. A Re-Examination of the Defense of Laches After 18 Years of the UDRP, by Internet Commerce Association With some much going wrong in the world these days, boy does it feel good to see something ‘going right’ once in a while. First off, If you are a … [Read more...]