WASHINGTON, D.C. – According to the Bureau of Internet Accessibility, tax credits may be available for small businesses that take steps to improve their websites’ accessibility. These credits can help offset the costs of making digital content and online services accessible to individuals with disabilities, aligning with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Understanding the ADA Tax Credit The ADA provides … [Read more...]
Lights Out for Broadway Ticket, GEO Domain Site NewYork.com Over Legal Dispute
NEW YORK, NY – While researching some GEO domain names last night I discovered that NewYork.com has now disappeared. It was a huge site I was quite familiar with as I had some past affiliate dealings with them, but today it appears its gone offline and parked at Godaddy.com. This was initially very hard to believe as last time I visited the site it seemed bustling with traffic and activity similar to its New York City streets in which it ‘virtually’ represented. This … [Read more...]
I’m Going Save Lots of Money on My Domains; Here’s How You’ll Save Too
NEW YORK – Unless you have been living under a virtual rock for the last year or so, you should be well aware that the “Google Gods” will be forcing everyone to secure their websites with SSL Certificates or an ugly message will appear on-top of browsers letting users know that the site their visiting sucks-ass (I know, I'm stretching here) and shouldn’t be trusted as much as some other sites around the web. I call them Google Gods, because they maintain that … [Read more...]