SACRAMENTO, CA - On December 28, 2024, PowerSchool, a prominent provider of educational technology services to over 60 million K-12 students worldwide, identified a cybersecurity incident involving unauthorized access to its Student Information System (SIS) through the PowerSource customer support portal. The breach, which occurred between December 19 and December 24, 2024, allowed threat actors to exfiltrate sensitive data, including names, addresses, dates of birth, … [Read more...]
Recently Discovered October 2023 Xfinity Hack Affects Nearly 36 Million Customers
PHILADELPHIA, PA - Leading internet service provider, Xfinity, recently released information regarding a major data breach that is expected to have affected millions of customers. The offenders exploited a vulnerability left by a patch, causing unauthorized access to software provider Citrix, a system used by Xfinity. It is important for Xfinity users to amend their usernames and passwords in response to this breach, even if their data has not been directly exposed. While … [Read more...]
10 Simple Yet Effective Security Tips To Keep You Cyber Safe and Worry Less in 2020
PALM BEACH, FL - There is no shortage of security breaches and data leaks reported in the news this past year. As we all move into 2020, here are some simple tips to help keep you stay cyber safe, so you can worry less and have more to look forward to this year. Don't Shorten 2020 in Dates You shouldn’t shorten the year 2020 when signing things. Scammers can easily change the abbreviated date, for example from “3/30/20” to “3/30/2018”. Make sure to write out the full … [Read more...]
NamesCon 2019 Domain Auction Returns from Explosive Year of $2.4 Million is Sales
PALM BEACH – What do you do when a live and online auction produces lackluster results? Why, you re-run it again a couple of months later (Just kidding - As soon as I saw the title of the email, Back by “Popular Demand”, I thought, yea right – but NUMBERS my friends, do not lie, and those numbers show that Domaining, is indeed very much alive and well; at least at NamesCon it is.) Yesterday, and announced via email and a formal press release … [Read more...]
Google Trends: Past Five Years in Review
NEW YORK, NY - Google Trends is a tool provided by Google which allows you to review what words, phrases and terms are trending and measure their popularity based on what people are searching for on Users can sort and review search history based on region, dates and time periods as well as view top lists within certain categories of content types. Below is a list of what keyword and keyword phrases were trending for the past five years from 2017 to 2013. These … [Read more...]