WEST PALM BEACH, FL – Have you recently noticed your lead forms being filled out with fake information, phone numbers that don't work and/or email addresses that bounce back? Google's Display Network (GDN) and Microsoft's Audience Network (MSAN) both serve ads across a vast number of websites, apps, and video content. While both companies have robust fraud detection systems in place, bot traffic and fraudulent interactions can occur within these networks. Here’s … [Read more...]
Google’s John Mueller on Why Hyphens Aren’t Used in Domain Names Anymore
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA - In a recent Reddit Q&A, John Mueller, the Senior Webmaster Trends Analyst and Search Relations team lead at Google, fielded a query on why hyphens are no typically longer utilized in domain names, and if their fall from grace was something to be concerned about. Mueller noted that hyphens in domain names were a trend from a bygone era of the internet, and their curtailed use in modern times has occurred for a number of reasons, ranging from the way … [Read more...]
Hallmark Continues to ‘Cash-In’ On Premium Holiday Web Name “Easter.com”, Or Does It?
WEST PALM BEACH – Originally registered in 1998, the domain name “Easter.com” redirects visitors to the Hallmark.com website where conveniently Easter cards and gifts are highlighted. This is a good use of a premium domain name, outside of development of course. Hallmark has owned this domain name since at least 2010 when it was highlighted by Domain Name Wire. Out of curiosity, I decided to visit it this morning to see what’s there. A good question to ask, if even … [Read more...]
Google’s Got Something Facebook Doesn’t; Weather-based Campaign Management
NEW YORK, NY – The war is on as Google and Facebook aggressively fight for businesses ad dollars, yet for the first time in a while, Google’s got something Facebook probably has not even thought about (yet) and that’s Weather-based Campaign Management. Facebook likely has better targeting with people’s true interests due to the ridiculous of amount of data people share with Facebook, but this weather based targeting sounds pretty interesting. Now you can increase or … [Read more...]
Infographic: Domain Retail Sales Prices; Name Ninja Setting ‘Right Expectations’
NEW YORK, NY - Every once in a while I will promote an Infographic if I feel it ads value to the discussion. Here is a past one on conversions. This infographic below was created by Name Ninja with information from a site I use and reference often, NameBio, for its data on domain sales history. Name Ninja is a strategic domain name acquisition consultancy firm which helps customers acquire the best name for their project. As most people know, most if not all .com domain … [Read more...]