LOS ANGELES, CA - The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) – the nonprofit organization that oversees the domain industry – announced that, in the next round of domain expansion and going forward, they will no longer be allowing entities registering new Top-Level Domains (TLDs) to utilize what is known as “closed generics.” Closed generics are essentially TLDs that are owned or are exclusive to one company that use generic and/or dictionary terms; … [Read more...]
My.box Inc. Announces Groundbreaking “Future of Digital ID” With “.Box” Domain
CAYMAN ISLANDS - My.box Inc. has announced what they referred to as the groundbreaking “future of digital identity” in the domain name industry: the impending launch of their new “.box” domain, which they tout as the first-ever blockchain native, DNS-routable domain supported by browsers, email, and digital wallets. According to a statement released by My.box Inc. Founder Josh Brandley, the .box domain enables users to integrate multiple aspects of their online identities … [Read more...]
Squarespace Sees Sharp Dropoff of Google Domains Customers After Acquisition
NEW YORK CITY - After acquiring Google Domains late last year after the internet giant decided to close down the service, Squarespace has seen a sharp drop-off of customers from the business in the subsequent months since the sale was completed, reports say. Back in July of 2023, Google abruptly announced that it would be ending its Google Domains service after nearly 10 years and would be selling the business and all of its assets to Squarespace, a New York-based website … [Read more...]
Experts: 23andMe Hack Is DNA Catastrophe; Leaked Millions of Genetic Profiles
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Earlier this week, in a startling revelation, 23andMe conceded that a hack in October was significantly worse than initially reported. Affecting nearly 6.9 million people, the scale of this data breach was shockingly larger than the initially stated figure of 14,000 users. Regrettably, the stolen data contained not only sensitive information such as full names, but genetic profiles. Yet, the severity of the situation was met with indifference by some … [Read more...]
GEO Domain Names, Newspaper & Media Companies, Sales Prices, and Usage
PALM BEACH, FL - The purchase of big city, state and/or regional domain names have always been a strategic move for media companies to control their presence and brand in a particular market. For example, The Boston Globe acquired the domain name “Boston.com” in 1995, The Philadelphia Inquirer acquired the domain name “Philly.com” in 2004, and the McClatchy newspaper chain acquired the domain name "Miami.com" in 2005. Additionally, the Tallahassee Democrat, the only … [Read more...]
Interest Continues In Alternative Domain Name, “.io” By Internet, Tech Firms
PALM BEACH, FL - When it comes to building a successful company, two of the most vital components to first establishing your digital presence – the main way that your customers are most likely to discover you – is to create a website and to choose an appropriate domain name. While the.com extension is by far the most commonly used by companies – and the one most consumers seek – there are a plethora of other extensions available out there to choose from. For the … [Read more...]
Domain Brokers Team Up to Sell Premium Name Pair: Client.com and Clients.com
WEST PALM BEACH, FL - According to a press release, Domain brokerage firms Prime Loyalty run by Jeff Garbutt and Michael Law's Grit Brokerage have teamed up to bring the 'super-premium digital assets' Client.com and Clients.com to the market. Client.com and Clients.com are 25 and 23 year-old domain names and were originally registered back in 1994 and 1996 respectfully. These category defining domain assets will take command of any digital space surrounding a B2B or B2C … [Read more...]
Web Address Sells for $30 Million in Cash; Represents ‘Extraordinary’ Investment
PALM BEACH – A company which many ordinary people (non-industry) have probably never heard of called “MicroStrategy Incorporated” has announced it has sold an Internet web address, Voice.com for $30,000,000.00 in cash. As you can see, that’s a lot of zero’s in that number and represents what many who invest and trade in Internet domain names likely find so exhilarating about it. For those who are not that savvy when it comes to Internet domain names, this a “website … [Read more...]
One Less Way to Monetize Your Domains As Chitika Network Plans Shut Down April 30th
WEST PALM BEACH – A popular alternative to Google Adsense has announced it will be shutting its virtual doors on April 30th 2019. Chitika, an online advertising network that grew quickly in popularity after hitting the market in 2004 is shutting down. On Wednesday, April 17, the company sent all publishers an email announcing the pending shut-down: After 15+ years in business and millions of publisher relationships, Chitika is hereby shutting down and closing its business. … [Read more...]
Redirecting Domains with Backlinks Helps SEO; Google Doesn’t Want You to Know
NEW YORK – Morgan Linton’s blog caught my eye this morning as it discusses the redirecting of domain names for SEO, an often hotly debated topic. I find this topic especially interesting as it appears to me that Google often dances around the truth with explanations of what works and what doesn’t. Google’s new webmaster PR guy is John Mueller who basically replaced Matt Cutts in a publication relations capacity with webmasters around 2015 when Cutts was on leave. I’ve always … [Read more...]
Near $200,000 Missing from “Ordinary” Domain Sales Market, So Far This Year
NEW YORK – There is an old saying “Follow the Money”, popularized by the 1976 drama-documentary motion picture “All the President's Men” which was about the Watergate scandal (I’ve yet to see the movie, but plan to). However, in this case, I prefer not to follow the money, because it looks like it's disappearing into a region of space-time; one exhibiting strong gravitational effects that nothing - not even particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light can escape … [Read more...]
You ‘Need Not’ Register A Domain to Keep Your Company ‘Tag Line’ or Slogan Safe
NEW YORK, NY – You might not need to bother registering a domain name to keep your brands tag line or slogan safe from violators – at least, that must be the general consensus within the industry as nearly none of the 200 company slogans and tag lines I’ve examined have done so. To my surprise, just a few have thought that registering their catchy phrase in a .com name is worthwhile. Below are a few of the companies which have their tag lines and trademark terms registered … [Read more...]