WEST PALM BEACH, FL – Have you recently noticed your lead forms being filled out with fake information, phone numbers that don't work and/or email addresses that bounce back? Google's Display Network (GDN) and Microsoft's Audience Network (MSAN) both serve ads across a vast number of websites, apps, and video content. While both companies have robust fraud detection systems in place, bot traffic and fraudulent interactions can occur within these networks. Here’s … [Read more...]
One Less Way to Monetize Your Domains As Chitika Network Plans Shut Down April 30th
WEST PALM BEACH – A popular alternative to Google Adsense has announced it will be shutting its virtual doors on April 30th 2019. Chitika, an online advertising network that grew quickly in popularity after hitting the market in 2004 is shutting down. On Wednesday, April 17, the company sent all publishers an email announcing the pending shut-down: After 15+ years in business and millions of publisher relationships, Chitika is hereby shutting down and closing its business. … [Read more...]
Google “Adds” Additional Layer of Domain Validation Before Monetizing Websites
WEST PALM BEACH – Google AdSense, once the greatest and easiest way to immediately monetize your domain or website, has added an additional layer of validation to the game, by requiring your domain name be approved before allowing you to run ads on them. One of the greatest things about Google AdSense, was, that in the past you could slap your ad code scripts on any web page, and relevant - targeted ads would immediately appear, assigning each click on an ad, to a … [Read more...]
Ad Revenue Down? Here’s the Latest Things That Could Be Affecting Your Revenue
NEW YORK – You might say that declining ad revenue is becoming a typical part of the business; if you feel like you are constantly trying to find new ways to build both revenue and traffic on your domains while increasing the number of channels and ad networks you rely on, you’re far from alone. Publisher revenues are being squeezed across the board, and while sometimes you might even feel that the more web traffic you build, the less it pays out – you’re probably correct in … [Read more...]
Google’s Got Something Facebook Doesn’t; Weather-based Campaign Management
NEW YORK, NY – The war is on as Google and Facebook aggressively fight for businesses ad dollars, yet for the first time in a while, Google’s got something Facebook probably has not even thought about (yet) and that’s Weather-based Campaign Management. Facebook likely has better targeting with people’s true interests due to the ridiculous of amount of data people share with Facebook, but this weather based targeting sounds pretty interesting. Now you can increase or … [Read more...]
If I Had Just Started With Domain Names Today, I Don’t Think I Would Make It
NEW YORK, NY – When I started in this industry it was the year 2000. The Internet looked very different than it does today, and people were just starting to get acquainted with Google. Search engine optimization was a lot easier to do with most people not having even heard of the term “SEO”. Back then, as a website owner, you were able to take advantage of certain techniques which could easily put you ahead of the majority. Compared to today, there was little competition … [Read more...]
80% of Top 100 Highest .club Domain Buyers Leave Parked, Redirected, or Failing DNS
Next up in a new series of top 100 development potential domains lists is the .club domain. In comparison to top 100 LLL .com Liquid Domains, top 100 .net, and top 100 .org, I wanted to take a look at some gTLDs to see what buyers are actually doing with them and .club comes to mind first. The team at .club has done a fantastic job in marketing their new gTLD and it will be interesting to see. Sales figures are one thing when valuing domains, but actual development shows … [Read more...]
Think You Don’t Need Those Google Sponsored Results? You’re Dead Wrong!
If you thought that sponsored search results on the top of seach engines were just for those who are hard to find or those wanting to increase brand value you are dead wrong. A research study conducted by Wordstream.com shows just how inacurate this thought process is. Some key take-away information is below. … [Read more...]