NEW YORK, NY – Just released is Sedo’s weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $36,600.00 USD, the top ccTLD as at 18,000 EUR ($21,164.67 US) and the top other as at $10,000.00 USD. Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 08/14/2017 – 08/20/2017. Domain … [Read more...]
Infographic: Domain Retail Sales Prices; Name Ninja Setting ‘Right Expectations’
NEW YORK, NY - Every once in a while I will promote an Infographic if I feel it ads value to the discussion. Here is a past one on conversions. This infographic below was created by Name Ninja with information from a site I use and reference often, NameBio, for its data on domain sales history. Name Ninja is a strategic domain name acquisition consultancy firm which helps customers acquire the best name for their project. As most people know, most if not all .com domain … [Read more...] Weekly Domain Name Sales List 02/27/2017 – 03/06/2017
Just released is Sedo's weekly sales list, a weekly list of public transactions above $2,000. This weeks highlights included the top .com sold as at $14,000 EUR (14,793.00 US), the top ccTLD as at 10,100 EUR ($10,673.00 US) and the top “other” TLD as at 10,000 EUR ($10,567.00 US). Here is the entire list from Sedo sales from 02/27/2017 – 03/06/2017. Domain … [Read more...]
What Extensions Changed Hands in 2016 According to DNJournal’s Top 100 Charts
NEW YORK, NY - A reader suggested I look at the top domain sales of 2016 (specifically, the number of notable new gTLD sales); while I am waiting for a response from Sedo for a full set of data (if they will release it), I used Ron Jackson's popular 2016 Top 100 Domain Sales Charts to get an idea of exactly what moved around last year and how many ccTLDs verses gTLD domains hit the charts. Below is what I found [give or take a domain or two] (It was pretty grueling … [Read more...]