RESTON, VA - According to the latest VeriSign Domain Name Industry Brief Quarterly Report from, the fourth quarter of 2024 concluded with 364.3 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains (TLDs). This represents an increase of 2.0 million registrations, or 0.5%, compared to the third quarter of 2024, and a year-over-year growth of 4.4 million registrations, or 1.2%. The combined total of .com and .net TLDs reached 169.0 million domain name … [Read more...]
GoDaddy or Namecheap: Which Registrar Should You Use to Buy an .AI Domain?
PHOENIX, AZ - With the boom of the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution the talk of the technology industry – both for good and bad – the demand for the .AI domain has skyrocketed. Originally an obscure country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the small Caribbean island of Anguilla, it has spiked in popularity with tech companies looking to cash in on the AI craze, making it one of the most popular extensions out there currently. That being said, the US-based GoDaddy … [Read more...]
New 2024 Global Domain Report Notes “Game Changing” Industry Insights for “.AI”
CAMBRIDGE, MA - InterNetX and Sedo Have released their 2024 Global Domain Report, which breaks down the domain industry and examines trends and shifts that are expected in the upcoming year, with the main emphasis being placed upon tech developments and the evolution of AI and its growing influence upon the internet. The free-to-download 80-page report – of which this article will provide a brief summary – noted that 359.8 million new domains were registered in 2023, … [Read more...]
Q3 Domain Report: Slight “.COM” Reg Decline, New GTLDs Enjoy 10% Increase
RESTON, VA - Verisign, the company that is the authoritative registry for the .com, .net, and .name generic top-level domains (TLDs) and the .cc country-code top-level domain, released their 3rd quarter 2023 Domain Name Industry Brief (DNIB) this week that reveals by the end of the latest quarter, total domain registrations across all TLDs worldwide have reached 359.3 million. That number represents a 2.4 percent increase year over year, amounting to an … [Read more...]
VeriSign Says “.COM” Registrations Up, “NGTLDS” Up, Legacy “.NET” Down
RESTON, VA - VeriSign Inc., a global provider of domain name registry services and internet infrastructure, announced that their total number of Top-Level Domain (TLD) registrations worldwide have reached 356.6 million as of the end of the second quarter of 2023, as per the company’s latest quarterly Domain Name Industry Brief (DNIB). Verisign, based out of Reston, Virginia, operates a diverse array of network infrastructure, including two of the Internet's thirteen … [Read more...]
Recent SEDO Weekly Sales List Includes “” Domain Name Sale for $35,000
PALM BEACH, FL – According to the latest weekly domain sales report, the three letter “LLL” web address "" just sold for $35,000.00. Other recent sales of “” specifically with SEDO were "" ($9,800.00) "" ($8,800.00), "" ($8,800.00), and "" ($5,500) - all recently, within the last few months. The only “” that sold (publically) for more than "" in 2022, was … [Read more...]
SEDO Weekly Sales List Includes One Word Alternative Domain Fetching $8,600
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The one-word domain “” has sold for $46,000 this past week according to the latest weekly domain sales report. The web address is currently leading to a GoDaddy landing page where it appears to remain for sale. Also notable is the .eu European Union country code top-level domain “” that sold for 27,500 EUR ($26,520) and a .fund domain “Light.Fund” which fetched $8,600. Each … [Read more...]
Two Very Real and Recent Reasons to NOT Use A Country Code Domain Name (ccTLD)
PALM BEACH, FL - If you were looking for a reason to not move to a ccTLD, or country code domain name, and stick with your super-duper .com domain, no matter how weak you feel it might be, you’ve just been handed two good reasons to do so, within the last two months. In January, I wrote about tens of thousands of websites that went out of service due to the Brexit situation where the United Kingdom withdrew from the European Union. As part of the transition process, over … [Read more...]
The Domain Name “Carbon.Network” Sold At $18,000 Last Week According To Sedo
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The domain name “Carbon.Network” sold at $18,000 this past week according to the latest weekly domain sales report. The long and unusual looking web address is currently leading to a parked page and in my opinion, I find it as unusual as its appearance that someone would believe the domain was worth that price. I wonder how much more traffic their project will receive now that they own this category killer domain name? Anyway, also notable on … [Read more...]
Generic Domain,, Hits SEDO Weekly Sales List at $2,000,000
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The generic domain name “” sold at $2,000,000 this past week according to the latest weekly domain sales report. The five letter generic web address is currently leading to a crowdfunded movie studio website said to allows angel-investor users to choose which titles get funded. Also notable is a .de domain “” that sold for a 40,000 EUR ($48,138.00) and a .net … [Read more...]
SEDO Weekly Sales List Includes Three Letter .Com Domain for $105,000
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The domain name “” sold at $105,000 this past week according to the latest weekly domain sales report. The three letter web address is currently leading to an HTTP Error 404 page. Also notable is the .se domain “” that sold for 17,000 EUR ($19,909) and a .chat domain “” which fetched $25,000. The .se is a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) assigned to Sweden, a country in … [Read more...]
SEDO Weekly Sales List Includes .io Indian Ocean Domain Sold At Whopping $50,000
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The domain name “” sold at $106,500 this past week according to the latest weekly domain sales report. The numeric web address is currently hosting what appears to be a site in the middle of development or using a GoDaddy website builder program. Also notable is the .io domain “” that sold for a whopping $50,000 and a .club domain “” which fetched 10,000. The .io is a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) … [Read more...]
SEDO Weekly Sales List Includes Three Letter .Com Domain Sold at $450,000
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The domain name “” sold at $450,000 this week according to the latest weekly domain sales report. The purchase seems to be a perfect upgrade for Santa Monica based ZAG Entertainment, which has been using the hyphenated Also notable is a .co domain “” which sold for a whopping $84,792 (weird). Each week, SEDO releases a list of domain names which have been sold including highlights of .COM, ccTLDs and notable … [Read more...]
Another Five Figure Legacy “.Net” Sale on SEDO Weekly Sales List – Sold at $15k
PALM BEACH, FL – While the four letter domain name sold at $15,000 this week according to the latest weekly domain sales report, also notable is the one word legacy .net domain name which also sold at $15,000. Last week change hands at $20,000. Each week, SEDO releases a list of domain names which have been sold including highlights of .COM, ccTLDs and notable domains in ‘other’ TLD categories. It is always … [Read more...]
SEDO Weekly Sales List Includes Three Letter .Net Domain Sold at $20,000
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The domain name sold at $30,000 this week according to the latest weekly domain sales report. Also notable is the three letter legacy .net domain name which sold at $20,000. Each week, SEDO releases a list of domain names which have been sold including highlights of .COM, ccTLDs and notable domains in ‘other’ TLD categories. It is always nice to see short “legacy” .net domain names sell. Here … [Read more...]