NEW YORK, NY - The following list is the top 100 .com domain names that have sold and been reported (on record) at NameBio. It is nice to take a look at the list every once in a while to remind yourself of some of the largest sales and what these little gems of virtual real estate are worth; enjoy. All prices are in … [Read more...]
Round Two: .COM Domain Values List, “Domainer Domains”, Not Much Change
NEW YORK, NY - Yesterday, we looked at how some commercial interest .com domain names have changed in value over the last decade. There really was not too much to see with about half of the domain names going up in value (46%) and half going down (51%). I guess it is fair to say that more declined than went up, but it was pretty close to even. Today I wanted to look at domains with less commercial value, so we will looked at pure domainer domains. This list examines 35 … [Read more...]