WEST PALM BEACH, FL – Have you recently noticed your lead forms being filled out with fake information, phone numbers that don't work and/or email addresses that bounce back? Google's Display Network (GDN) and Microsoft's Audience Network (MSAN) both serve ads across a vast number of websites, apps, and video content. While both companies have robust fraud detection systems in place, bot traffic and fraudulent interactions can occur within these networks. Here’s … [Read more...]
AT&T To Start Crediting Customers For Internet Outages, Long Wait Times
DALLAS, TX - AT&T has introduced the "AT&T Guarantee," a program that compensates customers for service disruptions. Fiber internet users experiencing outages of 20 minutes or more, and wireless customers facing disruptions of 60 minutes or more affecting at least 10 towers, will automatically receive a full day's service credit. Additionally, customers placed on hold for over five minutes when contacting technical support will receive a $5 Visa gift card. This … [Read more...]
Google Announces Parked Domains Will Automatically Be Opted Out of Ad Serving
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA - On Thursday, September 5, Google informed advertisers and users that they will be changing their Content Suitability policy, with new accounts being automatically opted out of serving ads on parked domains, beginning in October 2024. A parked domain is a domain name has been registered, but is not currently connected to an online service such as a website or email hosting. Simply put, it is a domain that has been bought but is currently unused; instead, … [Read more...]
Domain Investor Shares Three Investing Tools He Uses Every Single Morning
PALM BEACH, FL - Elliot Silver, an expert in the specialized business of domain name investing, recently penned an article where he shared the three investing tools he uses every single morning and how they play a pivotal role in his success. No matter where I am or what I have planned for the day, I spend some time looking at upcoming domain name auctions,” he said. “The time I spend varies depending on my schedule, but on a regular workday where I am at home, I will … [Read more...]
Twitter Needs Pro-Active Feature to Block Unwanted Followers Automatically
NEW YORK, NY – Twitter, one of my favorite social networking websites, lacks an important feature which should be added to the service, preventing users from certain counties following you, automatically. I have no idea why this is not part of the service already. Why is it that there is only a feature to block users, after they have already followed you, creating work and time to do. Why aren’t there any auto-blocking features available, so that you can block users from … [Read more...]
Big Deal: Another Popular WordPress Plugin Purchased by Nefarious User
NEW YORK - A few months ago in September, I wrote about a plugin (Display Widgets Plugin) which was sold to someone who used it to compromise over 200,000 websites as that’s about how many installs it had and sites it targeted with compromising intentions. Well, it was a big deal then and it’s an even bigger deal now because it has come to light that this same tactic of acquisition has been used yet again, with (Captcha Plugin) to compromise 300,000 sites. According to … [Read more...]