Direct Sales Having an item for sale on your web site is one of the most direct and easiest to understand ways of making money from your web site. Products can be as simple as a downloadable file or as complicated as a product to be built, shipped, and delivered through conventional means like the postal service or courier. Direct sales can also refer to the filling of advertising space on a web site by communicating with interested businesses who are seeking visibility … [Read more...]
Lead Generation
Lead Generation A popular way developers monetize a web site is through lead generation. Leads can either be direct phone calls to a professional business or they can be email contacts to be followed up on. Most lead generation sites will have contact forms or other user inputted areas to capture a visitors contact information so that their initial interest can be utilized by a “closer” (an experienced sales person) who then turns them into a paying customer. Many web … [Read more...]
Social Signals and Search Engine Rankings recently published an article called "Are Social Signals the New PageRank?" The article basically went over a deal between Microsoft and Facebook which would integrate Facebook data in Bing search results. In the article it stated: "In essence, Bing is betting that social signals are better than link signals in determining search relevance." This will be important to watch... It supports the idea that Twitter, Facebook, and other social signals continue to … [Read more...]