PALM BEACH, NY – It seems like every day there is a brand new, squeaky clean investigation (or at least some accusations) into our good-ole’ friends at Google Inc., and Alphabet Inc. Swirling stories of lawsuits and federal inquiries into a company that is so large, so big, it’s almost such that you could consider them, “too big to fail” – how familiar. Historically, investigations into good-ole’ GOOG have gone all but nowhere. For instance, in 2013 the Federal Trade … [Read more...]
With Price Caps Removed, Dot Org Domain Name Registry Acquired by Ethos Capital
PALM BEACH, FL – In a move that surprises few industry experts, Public Interest Registry (PIR), the Reston, Virginia-based not-for-profit created by the Internet Society in 2002 to manage the “.org” top-level domain name has been acquired by private equity management firm Ethos Capital. The acquisition comes shortly after ICANN, The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, permitted the removal of price caps on “.org” domain name registrations on June 30, … [Read more...]
End User 4 Letter Double X .COM Beats Out 3 Letter .COMs in Sedo Weekly Sales List
PALM BEACH, FL – When Sedo released its weekly sales list yesterday, a list of public transactions above $2,000., the weeks highlights included (purchased by sold for $65,000 USD as well as three, three letter .com domains: at $50,000 USD, at $44,030 USD and at $35,000 USD. Here is the entire list for sales from 11/04/2019 – 11/10/2019. Domain … [Read more...]
12 Years Ago CNET Networks, Acquired 10 Million Articles for Just $20 Million in Cash
PALM BEACH, FL – The day was Wednesday, November 7, 2007, when LookSmart, Ltd, had announced via Yahoo Finance and Business Wire, that it has entered into a definitive agreement to sell the web site, domain and content associated with “” to CNET Networks, Inc. in an all cash transaction valued at approximately $20.5 million. What a difference twelve years in technology can make. What was once seen as incredible opportunity by owning such vast amounts … [Read more...]
Top 100 4 Letter Domain Sales for Year 2018 (According to
PALM BEACH, FL – The following is a follow up to a list gathered in 2017. According to NameBio, there were a total of 7,862 reported domain sales in 2018. The highest reported sale was the domains “” for $2,000,000.00 with the second place name as “” for $500,000.00. 4 Letter .com domain names are hard to come by and you’ll never see them on sites like Below are the top … [Read more...]
SEDO’s 4 Letter. COM Auction Has Begun; Domains Matches Acronyms for Business
PALM BEACH, FL - SEDO, what seems to be the equivalent of the Multiple Listing Service for domain names has announced that its 4 letter .com domain auction has begun and includes “over 300 domains - like, and” which are available for online bidding. [357 names] The last time I looked at 4 letter .com domain sales it was in 2017 which means its time for another list. That list spanned from's sale of for $5,000.00 to … [Read more...]
Auction for Domain Name “” Extended to November 7th Closing
PALM BEACH, NY – If you were interested in the domain name “” which is being auctioned off by Heritage Auctions, you’ve got some more time to scrounge around for cash as the auction has been extended to November 7, 2019 at 5pm (Eastern Time). Previously the auction was scheduled to close on Oct. 25, 2019. According to Talmage Cooley, entrepreneur, filmmaker and founder of, the auction, which was highlighted in the New York Times last month, … [Read more...]
Generic Domain “” Subject of WIPO Case; Complainant Uses “”
PALM BEACH, FL – The generic domain name “” is the subject of a WIPO proceeding with the complainant showing as “Ms.Veena Kumaravel” , who is the co-founder of “Naturals”, a beauty salon chain with over 500 locations throughout India. Kumaravel started the business with a partner in 2000 and the business was said in an interview to become “profitable” (and likely at least moderately known in India) by its forth year. The company currently operates on the … [Read more...]
Will Sale of Dead News Site “” Attract Authentic Bidders at GoDaddy?
PALM BEACH, FL – A domain name, that by itself, could potentially fool even one of the most complex computer algorithms such as Google's rankings technology, into trusting that a site is a “big brand”. There is probably not a lot of them out there that could easily be scooped up, however, that’s pretty much what’s for sale at GoDaddy auctions this week, with the bidding for the domain name previously used by the defunct news site “” reaching $69,666.00 - so … [Read more...]
What Are the Key Benefits for “Dot Brand” nGTLD Owners; What’s In It for Them?
PALM BEACH, FL – Although I am not a huge fan of new gTLDs or even “Dot Brands”, today I watched a video by the Chief Marketing Officer of Afilias domain registry, Roland LaPlante, who explained ‘in detail’ the value of owning your own “dot BRAND.” LaPlante discusses the benefits in marketing, user security and what is likely one of the most desirable aspects achieved for the owning brand; “full control” of their own corporate space. I believe it is the best explanation … [Read more...]
Monster Two Letter Domain Asset “” For Sale; Listed in Industry Trade Pub WTR
PALM BEACH, FL – According to World Trademark Review, the monster domain asset “” is for sale and the exchange is being offered / handled by Mark Thomas of VIP Brokerage. Thomas was recently highlighted for selling the premium exact match GEO domain for a whopping $3,000,000.00. ‘’ up for sale – The domain name ‘’, previously used by a company called TM Advertising, is up for sale. A representative for the current domain owner told WTR … [Read more...]
5 Years In, Where Are “.NYC” Domains Now? Landrush Registration Opened Oct., 2014
PALM BEACH, FL – “.NYC”, it’s called “The Official Web Address for New Yorkers”, and a top level domain name which is restricted to being registered only by “lawful” residents and/or businesses within the New York City area (the five boroughs). The slogan of being the “Official” web address of the City its named after isn’t just fluff marketing material either; it actually is, The Official URL, according to The legal entity-registry is recorded as “The City … [Read more...]
Just Some Fake Bids; Nothing to See Here; Move Along Now, Please Disperse…
PALM BEACH, FL – This is a pretty interesting story all though it has come and gone just like yesterday’s old news – no one cares, no one is all that surprised, figuring it was non-sense to begin with, next story please. I suggest domain market participants not let it be forgotten and swept under the rug so soon, because it isn't at all good for the domain name industry as a whole - and clearly more should be done about it. Platforms that are used for … [Read more...]
CVS Pharmacy Files WIPO Against “” Domain; Reg Fees Headed Towards Earth
PALM BEACH, FL – It looks like CVS Pharmacy, Inc. isn’t too thrilled with the recent registration of the nGTLD domain name “” which looks to have been registered in May, 2019. The pharmacy company has filed a WIPO dispute (WIPO D2019-2615) which will likely result in a TRANSFER as the majority of their complaints follow that trend. The “” domain name is listed on the website under “Who's Buying” in the ”recent registrations section” for companies … [Read more...]