PALM BEACH, FL - There is something about success, even just moderate success, that you only experience and/or appreciate once you have gotten there. Something that many people often overlook, and it can sometimes only be fully realized from the outside looking in. I saw something today that reminded me of it all and I am going to share those thoughts with you. It was a day’s worth of commissioned earnings. It was not a huge amount of money, but it was a moderate days’ … [Read more...]
100 More Print Newspapers To Disappear Next Month, Along With Hundreds of Jobs
PALM BEACH, FL – More than 100 local and regional newspapers will disappear next month when News Corp Australia will cut publication and move many of its titles online, while others will cease to exist altogether. The news comes amid what the company said was a sharp decline in advertising revenue and a ‘double impact’ of COVID-19 and competition from tech platforms. According to the Sydney Morning Herald as many as 1000 jobs could be lost from just three titles, The … [Read more...]
Alternative “.News” Domain Name Gets Big Plug With Exclusive Trump Interview
PALM BEACH, FL – “Full Measure,” a news show that I had actually never heard of is sure to get a big spotlight on “.news” domain names as there was recently an interview with the President of the United States at the White House which took place last weekend. The interview was conducted by writer, journalist, and television correspondent Sharyl Attkisson, a five-time Emmy Award winning investigative correspondent, formally of CBS News. She also wrote a book titled … [Read more...]
GEO Domain Name Seeks Exit with Sale of Website on Flippa Marketplace
PALM BEACH, FL – Those who know me know I keep a keen eye on the geographic name space and I noticed today that the exact match domain name for the U.S. State of Vermont is for sale on The sale represents a great opportunity for a business in the State of Vermont to catapult themselves to a position of strength with relative ease by owning this exact match domain name,, but does the opportunity warrant its asking price with a reserve of: … [Read more...]
The AdSense ‘Rule’ I’ll Never Understand; ‘Formatting Content That Mimics Ads’
PALM BEACH, FL – I used to think I was pretty good at figuring things out, but one rule of the road when it comes to the Google AdSense program has got me stumped, and to this day I still can't seem to figure it out. I’ve about given up on it as I don’t think I will ever truly understand it. While it seems incredibly simple, I still seem to be confused. Maybe it's just that it is OK when Google does it; but if you try, you''ll get a policy violation notification … [Read more...]
It’s Only A Matter of Time Until You Need to Be Licensed to Operate A Web Server
PALM BEACH, FL – I have been thinking about this off and on for a few years now, but I have never really posted or written about it. That is because it is an awful prediction that I hate the idea of, but I think it is going to eventually happen. Here it goes…. I predict that to operate a web server sometime in the near future, you will be required to have a license, or have passed a basic course in IT security or Cybersecurity intrusion mitigation. Not at the single site … [Read more...]
Pressure on ICANN to Reject Controversial “.ORG” Registry Sale to For-Profit Succeeds
LOS ANGELES, CA – On Thursday, April 30, ICANN, The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, based in Los Angeles, CA, made a tough decision to protect the global non-profit community, by rejecting a controversial deal announced in November 2019, that PIR, Public Interest Registry, a non-profit company which owns and manages the rights to the registry for ‘.org’ domain names, would be sold and ultimately converted to a for-profit entity owned by Ethos Capital. … [Read more...]
Google Ads to Require Verification, But Implementation Will Take Years They Say
PALM BEACH, FL – According to the horse’s mouth, the Google Ads advertising program, responsible for about 40% of the total advertising seen online, will be rolling out a new feature which will allow users to see exactly who is behind an advertisement, while requiring businesses to verify their legal status in their state through documentation such as articles of incorporation, in order to purchase ads throughout the platforms reach. The move, in my opinion, is late in the … [Read more...]
Sales Venue “Sedo” Selects “DN Academy” For Domain Name Broker Training Program
PALM BEACH, FL - “DN Academy”, one of the only online domain name educational platforms created by domain investor Michael Cyger, has been chosen by Sedo to act as its official training program for its domain name brokers. According to a press release issued by Sedo today, Sedo has entered into an agreement to train domain name brokers using a customized training program provided by the service. Sedo (an acronym for Search Engine for Domain Offers), is a domain name and … [Read more...]
Two Letter ngTLD “My.Life” Said To Be Sold for Whopping $175k, Buyer Unconfirmed
PALM BEACH, FL – According to several reports, the 2 letter gTLD “My.Life” has been sold in a transaction valued at $175,000.00 (according to the registry), with $100,000.00 paid up front in cash, and $75,000.00 to be paid by the end of the year. The sale was confirmed by a tweet from the Donuts Twitter account and by Elliot Silver who reached out to Matt Overman, Senior VP of Sales at Donuts. The buyer of the unusually short domain asset is believed to be Meredith … [Read more...]
ICANN, PIR, Ethos Capital “Circus” Continues with Yet Another Letter from California AG
PALM BEACH, FL – The trio making a mockery of the definition of “public good” are probably hoping for another worldwide catastrophe to deflect the unwanted attention off their sour deal of transferring the .org registry from a non-profit (PIR) “Public Interest Registry” to a for-profit entity called “Ethos Capital” because the current one just isn’t enough. In a letter dated April 15, 2020, the attorney general of California, Xavier Becerra, has written yet another … [Read more...]
Domain Industry’s First Virtual Trade Show Comes to Comfort (& Safety) of Your Home
PALM BEACH, FL – I just love great ideas, even when I wasn’t the one to pull the trigger on it. That’s why I just registered for The Domain Show, a new virtual trade show for the domain industry that is being organized by Page Howe, a domain industry participant I haven’t met yet, but look forward to meeting, if not in person, at the virtual Domain Show event. The Domain Show will be held online between June 11th – 13th. This will be a trade show and conference that just … [Read more...]
How Am I Supposed to Find A Good Domain Name When They Are Already All Gone?
PALM BEACH, FL – Finding a good, short, “.com” domain name nowadays is much harder than it was in the past, but it certainly isn’t impossible. What you don’t want to do, is listen to bad advice from someone who tells you to go ahead and register an alternative, such as “.net”, “.biz”, or “.info”. Whatever you do, don’t make that mistake, because you will very likely regret it at some point in the future. Unless your business is an ‘organization” you could get a “.org” … [Read more...]
“LUG.COM” Available For Acquisition Exclusively From TLD Brokerage
WEST PALM BEACH, FL - (PRESS RELEASE) – TLD Brokerage, a provider of Domain Name Asset Brokerage Services, and subsidiary of SEARCHEN NETWORKS® based in West Palm Beach, Florida, has announced its exclusive agreement to offer the Internet domain name and online web address “” for acquisition. Short internet domain names in the legacy .com TLD (top level domain) ending are becoming increasingly rare,” said John Colascione, TLD Brokerage … [Read more...]
ICANN Moves Forward With 20 Million Deal While World Preoccupied with Epidemic
PALM BEACH, FL – Rahm Emanuel once said, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.” I’d bet that’s been on the mind of ICANN, The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, these last couple weeks, as President and CEO, Göran Marby, announced the organization has decided to move forward with its controversial twenty-million-dollar deal, many feel is nothing short of a bribe, with its latest renewal of the .com Registry Agreement with Verisign. The … [Read more...]