Advertising slogans are short, often memorable phrases used in advertising campaigns. They are claimed to be the most effective means of drawing attention to one or more aspects of a product. They also greatly help build your brand.
According to “Creative Advertising” by Charles Whittier: “A slogan should be a statement of such merit about a product or service that is worthy of continuous repetitive advertising; is worthwhile for the public to remember; and is phrased in such a way that the public is likely to remember it.”
List of Company Slogans:
- 3M: “Innovation”
- 7up: “The Uncola”
- Adidas: “Impossible Is Nothing”
- Agere Systems: “How Communication Happens”
- Agilent: “Dreams Made Real”
- Airbus: “Setting the Standards”
- Alka Seltzer: “I Can’t Believe I Ate The Whole Thing”
- Alka Seltzer: “Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz, Oh What A Relief It Is”
- Allstate: “You’re In Good Hands”
- “…and You’re Done”
- American Express: “Don’t Leave Home Without It”
- AMX: “It’s Your World. Take Control”
- Anritsu: “Discover What’s Possible
- Apple: “Everything Is Easier on a Mac”
- Apple: “Think Different”
- AT&T: “Your World. Delivered”
- AT&T: – “Reach Out And Touch Someone”
- ATG Design Services: “Circuit Design for the RF Impaired”
- ATI Technologies: “Get In the Game”
- Avis: “We Try Harder”
- Audi: “Vorsprung durch technik” (“Advancement Through Technology”)
- BAE Systems: “Innovating for a Safer World”
- Ball Corporation: “The Leader in Small Space and Rocket Systems”
- BellSouth: “Listening, Answering”
- Bisto Gravy Granules: “Ah! Bisto”
- Blackhawk: “Powering DSP Development”
- BMW: “Designed for Driving Pleasure”
- BMW: “The Ultimate Driving Machine”
- Boeing: “Forever New Frontiers”
- Bounty: “The Quicker Picker Upper”
- Bose Corporation: “Better Sound Through Research”
- Bowers & Wilkins (Speaker Mfg.): “Listen and You Will See”
- BP Microsystems: “Setting the Standard in Device Programming”
- Brylcreem: “A Little Dab’ll Do Ya”
- Burger King: “Have It Your Way”
- Cadbury: “All Because The Lady Loves Milk Tray”
- Cadence: “How Big Can You Dream?”
- Calgon: “Calgon, Take Me Away”
- California Milk Processor Board: “Got Milk?”
- Campbell’s Soup: “Mmm Mmm Good”
- Camel: “I’d Walk A Mile For A Camel”
- Canon: “Know How”
- Carling: “I Bet He Drinks Carling Black Label”
- Carlsberg: “Probably the Best Beer in the World”
- Castlemaine Beer: “Bringing Beer Back Home”
- Charmin: “Please Don’t Squeeze The Charmin”
- Cingular Wireless: “Raising the Bar”
- Cisco Systems: “This is the Power of the Network. Now.”
- Cirrus Logic: “Leading the Digital Entertainment Revolution”
- Clairol: “Does She…or Doesn’t She?”
- Coca Cola: “Have A Coke And A Smile”
- Coca Cola: “It’s The Real Thing”
- Coca Cola: “The Pause That Refreshes”
- Compaq (HP): “Inspiration Technology”
- Crest Toothpaste: “Look Ma, No Cavities!”
- Cypress Semiconductor: “Driving the Communication Revolution”
- Datel (C&D Tech): “Innovation and Excellence”
- De Beers: “A Diamond is Forever”
- Dell Computer: “Get More out of Now”
- Dr Pepper: “What’s the Worst That Could Happen?”
- Dunkin’ Donuts: “America Runs on Dunkin”
- DuPont: “The Miracles of Science”
- eBay: “The World’s Online Market Place”
- EM Research: “The ultimate source for miniature frequency synthesizers”
- Energizer: “It Keeps Going, and Going, and Going…”
- Ericsson: “Taking You Forward”
- Esso: “Put A Tiger In Your Tank”
- Fedex: “When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be There Overnight”
- Felix: “Cats Like Felix Like Felix”
- Fiber-Span: “RF On Fiber”
- Financial Times: “No Ft, No Comment”
- Fox News: “Fair and Balanced”
- Ford: “Built for the Road Ahead”
- FTD Interflora: “Say It With Flowers”
- Fujitsu: “The Possibilities are Infinite”
- General Dynamics: “Strength On Your Side”
- General Electric: “Imagination at Work”
- Google: “Don’t be Evil”
- GigaLane: “Innovation and Excellence in RF & Microwave”
- Gillette Razors: “The Best A Man Can Get”
- Griff Specialty Paper and Film: “Materials that Create Solutions”
- Guinness: “My Goodness, My Guinness”
- Hallmark: “When You Care Enough To Send The Very Best”
- HBO: “It’s Not Tv, It’s HBO”
- Heinz: “Beanz Meanz Heinz”
- Hitachi: “Inspire the Next”
- Hewlett-Packard: “Invent”
- Honeywell: “We are Honeywell”
- HSBC: “The World’s Local Bank”
- Hyundai: “New Thinking, New Possibilities”
- IBM: “We Make IT Happen”
- IBM: “I Think, Therefore IBM”
- IDT: “Powering What’s Next”
- I.F. Engineering Corp: “Your challenge is our progress”
- IFI: “The Power of Choice”
- Infineon: “Keep on Thinking”
- Intel: “Intel Inside”
- Intersil: “Technology at the Speed of Life”
- ITT: “Engineered for Life”
- Jaguar: “Grace, Space, Pace”
- John Lewis: “Never Knowingly Undersold”
- JRC: “You Don’t Need Wires to Communicate”
- Keithley: “A Greater Measure of Confidence”
- Kelloggs: “They’re GR-R-R-reat”
- KFC: “Finger Lickin’ Good”
- Kit Kat: “Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat”
- Kodak: “A Virtual World of Live Pictures”
- Lay’s: “Betcha Can’t Eat Just One”
- LG: “Life’s Good”
- Linksys: “At Linksys – We are making connectivity easier”
- Linx Technologies: “Wireless Made Simple”
- Lockheed Martin: “We Never Forget Who We’re Working For”
- L’Oreal: “Because You’re Worth It”
- M&M: “Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands”
- Mars: “A Mars A Day Helps You Work, Rest And Play”
- MasterCard: “There Are Some Things Money Can’t Buy. For Everything Else, There’s MasterCard.”
- Max Factor: “The Make Up of Make Up Artists”
- Maxwell House: “Good To The Last Drop”
- Maybelline: “Maybe She’s Born With It, Maybe It’s Maybelline”
- McDonald’s: “I’m Lovin’ It”
- MegaPhase: “Our Customers Connect With Us”
- Meow Mix: “Tastes So Good, Cats Ask for It by Name”
- Micrel: “The Infinite Bandwidth Company”
- Micron: “The Future of Memory”
- Miller: “The Champagne Of Bottle Beer”
- Miller Lite: “Tastes Great, Less Filling”
- Mitsubishi Semiconductor: “Changes for the Better”
- Molson Beer: “I Am Canadian”
- Morgan & Morgan: “For The People”
- Morton Salt: “When It Rains, It Pours”
- Motorola: “Digital DNA” “Hello. Moto”
- muRata: “Innovator in Electronics”
- mWAVE Industries, LLC: “Your Partner In Antenna Technology”
- Nabisco: “Can You Eat Three Shredded Wheat?”
- National Semiconductor: “The Sight & Sound of Information”
- NEC Corporation: “Empowered by Innovation”
- New York Times: “All the News That’s Fit to Print”
- NY State Department: “I Love New York”
- Nike: “Just Do It”
- Nokia: “Connecting People”
- Nortel Networks: “Business Without Boundaries”
- Orbital Sciences Corporation: “The Leader in Small Space and Rocket Systems”
- Packard: “Ask The Man Who Owns One”
- Panasonic: “Ideas for Life”
- Peperami: “It’s A Bit Of An Animal”
- Perdue: “It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Chicken”
- Philips: “Let’s Make Things Better”
- Philips: “Sense and Simplicity”
- Playtex: “Lifts And Separates”
- PMC-Sierra: “Accelerating The Broadband Revolution”
- Pringles: “Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop”
- Progressive: “Now that’s Progressive”
- Radio Times: “If It’s On, It’s In”
- RCAT Systems: “You push the limits. We measure it.”
- Red Bull: “It Gives You Wiiiings!”
- Remington: “I Liked It So Much, I Bought The Company”
- RF Bites: “Helping RF Designers one Bite at a time”
- RF Cafe: A Disruptive Web Presence” “Your Onramp to the Information Superhighway”
- Rice Krispies – “Snap! Crackle! Pop!”
- Rohde & Schwarz: “Pushing Limits”
- Rolaids: “How Do You Spell Relief?”
- Ronseal: “It Does Exactly What it Says on the Tin””
- Samsung Electronics: “Imagine”
- Schweppes: “Schh…you Know Who”
- Searchen Networks: “Serious About Search”
- Sharp: “Sharp Minds, Sharp Products”
- Skittles: “Taste the Rainbow”
- Smarties: “Wotalotigot!”
- Sony Playstation: “Live In Your World, Play In Ours”
- State Farm: “Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There”
- ST Microelectronics: “More Intelligence Solutions”
- Subway: “Eat Fresh”
- Sun Microsystems: “The Network Is The Computer”
- Syntel: “Consider IT Done”
- T-mobile: “Get More”
- Tesco: “Every Little Helps”
- Texas Instruments: “The World Leader in DSP and Analog” “Technology for Innovators”
- Thomas Cook: “Don’t Just Book It Thomas Cook It”
- Thor Labs: “Photonics in the Fast Lane”
- Timex: “It Takes A Licking And Keeps On Ticking”
- Toshiba: “Hello Tosh, Gotta Toshiba”
- Typhoo: “You Only Get an ‘OO’ With Typhoo”
- Unisys: “We Make It Happen”
- United Airlines: “Fly the Friendly Skies”
- United Technologies Corporation: “This Is Momentum”
- U.S. Marine Corps: “The Few. The Proud. The Marines.”
- U.S. Army: :Be All You Can Be”
- Verizon Wireless: “Can You Hear Me Now? Good.”
- vidaRF: “Simple Solutions for Complex Connections”
- Vodafone: “How Are You?”
- Volkswagen: “Drivers Wanted”
- Volkswagen: “Think Small”
- Wendy’s: “Where’s the Beef?”
- Wheaties: “Breakfast Of Champions”
- Wonderbra: “Hello Boys”
- Wrigley’s Doublemint: “Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun”
- Xilinx: “The Programmable Logic Company”
- XMA Corporation: “When Performance Matters”
- Yahoo!: “Do You… Yahoo!?”
- Yellow Pages: “Let Your Fingers Do The Walking”
- Zanussi: “The Appliance Of Science”
- Zurich: “Because Change Happens”
Updated: 2/21/2019

About The Author: John Colascione is Chief Executive Officer of Internet Marketing Services Inc. He specializes in Website Monetization, is a Google AdWords Certified Professional, authored a ‘how to’ book called ”Mastering Your Website‘, and is a key player in several Internet related businesses through his search engine strategy brand Searchen Networks®