PALM BEACH, FL – The following is a list of Fox News Twitter Account Handles for Correspondents or persons involved in Fox news channel television programming and news reporting. The majority of these accounts are verified accounts.

#MediaBuzz | @MediaBuzzFNC |
Ainsley Earhardt | @ainsleyearhardt |
Amanda Raus | @amandaraus |
Anita Vogel | @AnitaJVogel |
Arthel Neville | @ArthelNeville |
Bill Hemmer | @BillHemmer |
Bret Baier | @BretBaier |
Brit Hume | @brithume |
Brooke Singman | @brookefoxnews |
Carley Shimkus | @CarleyShimkus |
Cheryl Casone | @cherylcasone |
Chris Stirewalt | @ChrisStirewalt |
Claudia Cowan | @ClaudiaCowan1 |
Connell McShane | @connellmcshane |
Dagen McDowell | @dagenmcdowell |
Dana Perino | @DanaPerino |
David Webb | @davidwebbshow |
Deirdre Bolton | @DeirdreBolton |
Elizabeth MacDonald | @LizMacDonaldFOX |
ElizabethPrann | @ElizabethPrann |
Eric Shawn | @EricShawnTV |
FNC Assignment Desk | @foxnewsdesk |
FOX & friends | @foxandfriends |
Fox & Friends First | @FoxFriendsFirst |
Fox News @ Night | @foxnewsnight |
Garrett Tenney | @Garrett_FoxNews |
Gillian Turner | @GillianHTurner |
Greg Gutfeld Show | @GregGutfeldShow |
Greg Palkot | @GregPalkot |
Gregg Jarrett | @GreggJarrett |
GregGutfeld | @greggutfeld |
Greta Van Susteren | @greta |
Griff Jenkins | @GriffJenkins |
Heather Childers | @HeatherChilders |
Hillary Vaughn | @hillary__vaughn |
HowardKurtz | @HowardKurtz |
Jeanine Pirro | @JudgeJeanine |
Jeff Paul | @Jeff_Paul |
Jennifer Griffin | @JenGriffinFNC |
Jesse Watters | @JesseBWatters |
Jillian Mele | @jillianmele |
John Roberts | @johnrobertsFox |
Jon Scott | @JonScottFNC |
Jonathan Morris | @JonMorris2019 |
Jonathan Serrie | @jonathanserrie |
Juan Williams | @TheJuanWilliams |
Judge Napolitano | @Judgenap |
Judson Berger | @JuddBerger |
Julie Banderas | @JulieBanderas |
Kat Timpf | @KatTimpf |
Kellyanne Conway | @KellyannePolls |
Kennedy | @KennedyNation |
Kristin Fisher | @KristinFisher |
Laura Ingle | @lauraingle |
Lauren Ashburn | @LaurenAshburn |
Lauren Green | @LaurenGreenFox |
Lauren Simonetti | @SimonettiLauren |
Leslie Marshall | @LeslieMarshall |
Lisa Boothe | @LisaMarieBoothe |
Liz Claman | @LizClaman |
Lou Dobbs | @LouDobbs |
Lucia Suarez Sang | @luciasuarezsang |
Maria Bartiromo | @MariaBartiromo |
Marta Dhanis | @MartaDhanis |
Martha MacCallum | @marthamaccallum |
Matt Finn | @MattFinnFNC |
Melissa Francis | @MelissaAFrancis |
Mike Tobin | @MikeTobinFox |
Monica Crowley | @MonicaCrowley |
Neil Cavuto | @TeamCavuto |
Outnumbered Overtime | @OutnumberedOT |
Pat Ward | @WardDPatrick |
Patti Ann Browne | @pattiannbrowne |
Pete Hegseth | @PeteHegseth |
Ray Bogan | @RayBogan |
Rich Edson | @RichEdsonDC |
RickLeventhalFoxNews | @RickLeventhal |
Rob Schmitt | @SchmittNYC |
Sandra Smith | @SandraSmithFox |
Sean Hannity | @seanhannity |
Shannon Bream | @ShannonBream |
Shelley Orman | @ShelleyOFox45 |
Special Report Team | @SpecialReport |
Steve Doocy | @SteveDoocy |
Tamara Gitt | @tamaragitt |
The Daily Briefing | @dailybriefing |
The Five | @TheFive |
The Next Revolution | @NextRevFNC |
The Story | @TheStoryFNC |
Todd Piro | @ToddPiro |
Tomi Lahren | @TomiLahren |
Trey Yingst | @TreyYingst |
Tucker Carlson | @TuckerCarlson |
Watters’ World | @WattersWorld |

About The Author: John Colascione is Chief Executive Officer of Internet Marketing Services Inc. He specializes in Website Monetization, is a Google AdWords Certified Professional, authored a ‘how to’ book called ”Mastering Your Website‘, and is a key player in several Internet related businesses through his search engine strategy brand Searchen Networks®
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